
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod is a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level. Subscribe to the podcast and get a new episode every Wednesday.
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Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod











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Oct 27, 2021

Today, I’m bringing you a conversation with my dear friends, Mike & Lindsay McCarthy, who are also the co-authors for the two newest Miracle Morning books: 

The first is the Updated & Expanded 2nd edition of The Miracle Morning for Parents & Families (available on Amazon)

And the second... 

Is the brand new Miracle Morning for Parents & Families PLAYBOOK (also available on Amazon) which gives you seven (7) actionable Exercises & Worksheets to implement what you learn from the book, including:

  • Exercise #1: Your Family Bedtime Ritual Worksheet
  • Exercise #2: Your Family Miracle Morning Worksheet
  • Exercise #3: Your Family Values Worksheet
  • Exercise #4: Kids' S.T.A.R.R. Chart Worksheet
  • Exercise #5: Kids' Screen Time Contract Worksheet
  • Exercise #6: Your Family Goals Worksheet
  • Exercise #7: Your Family Meeting Agenda Worksheet

We believe that strong, healthy families are crucial to a healthy society. Thus, we are committed to elevating the consciousness of humanity by sharing the life-changing power of the Miracle Morning with as many parents and families as possible! 

In today’s conversation, we talk about what it means to parent with intention, what inspired their Family Playbook (and how to use it), and the systems, rhythms, and rituals that have helped them level up as parents.

Key Takeaways

  • Why entrepreneurs often struggle to bring their knowledge of leadership and teams home to their families.
  • How the McCarthys look at goals, family values and the definition of identity.
  •  What a McCarthy family dream session (or meeting) looks like—and how they stop these sessions from turning into bickering.
  • The three Ps of exceptional parenting.
  • The valuable conversations that Mike and Lindsay’s works opened up within their own family—and how they can help yours as well.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Oct 20, 2021

What would you do if you had no responsibilities? If you could get rid of your job, all of your bills, and not have to answer to anyone—how would you spend your days?

My friend and filmmaker, Nick Conedera (director of The Miracle Morning Movie) decided to answer that question for himself. He burned his possessions (literally), got rid of everything he owned, and spent three (3) years living in a van and traveling around the country. 

He tells the story of his journey in his brand new book, 70MPH: Grab the Wheel and Haul Ass to Your Dreams. I highly recommend picking up a copy. Nick is one of the best storytellers I know, and you won’t be disappointed!

Knowing how wise and insightful Nick is, I knew I needed to talk to him about his incredible adventure, and I assure you that his observations, insights, and perspectives are truly unique and highly valuable. 

Today, he joins me on the podcast to tell us what he learned that can help all of us to clarify our values and live in alignment with what matters most to each of us.

Key Takeaways

  • Why Nick decided to take a departure from his “normal life,” get rid of his belongings, and hit the open road.
  • The personal challenges that come with living in a van—and why we as humans are more than capable of adapting to them.
  • How living in a van helped Nick bring his existence into alignment with his values, find harmony with nature, and feel happier.
  • Why you don’t need to burn everything you own and move into a van to live in alignment with your values—and how to tell if it’s time to take a journey of your own.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Oct 13, 2021

Have you noticed how divided we have become as a society? The media is constantly pushing narratives that categorize people into groups, fostering animosity and even hate towards those who have different beliefs and opinions than we do. 

When we focus on our differences, we feel disconnected from one another. It not only hurts us as individuals, but collectively as a society.

When we choose to see each other from the perspective of our similarities, our commonalities, and our sameness, we feel connected. We feel love, even when we disagree on topics, concepts, or beliefs.

On today’s podcast, I’m inviting all of us to remember that we are all fundamentally the same, that ALL of us have far more in common than we have differences, and that each of us has a responsibility to do our part to heal humanity’s division. 

Today, I want to explore why our differences are actually superficial, who we really are at our core, and the very real possibility that there’s a higher level of consciousness we can all access with regards to how we see and treat each other.

Key Takeaways

  • Why you’re still the baby you were born as—and so is everyone else.
  • The 5 criteria we use when judging other people—and why the 5th is where we should be operating if we want humanity to thrive.
  • How superficial differences come to change our perception and definition of others—and why they shouldn’t.
  • Why actions speak louder than words, but intentions reveal our soul.
  • How to look past superficial differences and disagreements to find common ground and better understand your shared values with someone else.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Oct 6, 2021

As individuals, it is our ability to live in alignment with our values that determines our level of fulfillment. No matter what you value — health, family, freedom, safety, contribution etc. — when your thoughts, words, and actions are in alignment with what you value most, you are living a fulfilled life. 

But are their shared values that matter most for ALL of us?

That’s ultimately up to you to decide, but I believe there are values that are crucial for all of us, both to thrive as individuals and as a society. Today we explore what those values are, and we can better live in alignment with them so that we can ALL experience higher levels of fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • A detailed addition to last week’s episode on “How to Be Fearless.”
  • The difference between what matters most for us individually and collectively.
  • Why HEALTH is a core value for all of us.
  • What my highest values are and why.
  • How healthcare systems can save our lives while simultaneously being driven by ulterior motives that we should be weary of.
  • What I do every day to choose happiness and inner freedom.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Sep 29, 2021

Is it possible to live your life completely free from fear? Today, I propose that it is and explain how you can do it.

In a previous episode on this topic (Episode #355: Freedom From Your Fears), I talked about the differences between unconscious and conscious fears, why we are the ones who create nearly all of the fear we experience, and why it might not be possible to be fearless, but we can fear less.

However, today I’m returning to this topic to explain how each of us can release our fears completely and become truly FEARLESS.

Key Takeaways

  • Why we are all experiencing subtle levels of fear, nearly all of the time.
  • The root cause of most of our fears, and how we can take control.
  • Where fear comes from and how to reframe it into something empowering.
  • How our unconscious fears can become conscious.
  • Why fear is not real and how anyone is capable of transcending it!

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Sep 22, 2021

Every day, we’re faced with the reality that humanity is divided right now, possibly more than ever. I’m seeing people be outright hateful to each other, in ways I’ve simply never seen before. Even wishing harm upon others has become all too common. I fear that humanity is losing the shared values that are necessary for us to sustain peace and unity. 

If you and I aren’t the change we want to see in the world—if we don’t stand for love, compassion, respect, forgiveness, freedom, and allowing each other the dignity to each choose how we live our lives—we, as a species, may be in more trouble than any of us can even imagine. 

But how can we love, respect, and forgive people who have wronged us, or who we view as a threat to our own safety? How can we honor our own values while getting along with people who may not share our values? Is it possible for us to remember that we are ALL fundamentally the same—human beings on this journey we call life—and to focus on and find common ground in our shared humanity, as opposed to our relatively superficial differences? 

In today’s episode, I want to unpack these questions and really try to answer them. It starts with you, and it starts with me. I want to talk about how we treat and view other people, the bigger picture of what’s going on with humanity, and what we can do to create unity and stop sowing division during this critical time in history.

Key Takeaways

  • Why focusing on our differences instead of our commonalities is driving us apart.
  • How the media is conditioning us to fear, hate, and wish harm on others.
  • Why choosing to view people from a space of unconditional love doesn’t condone their behavior—and why hating someone hurts you more than them.
  • The value of truly living life in alignment with your values.
  • Why we’re all deserving of unconditional love.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Sep 15, 2021

Can you remember that indescribable feeling of first falling in love with someone? What if that peak state could be activated within you, at any given time? 

We often associate the word love with a romantic relationship. And when we fall in love with someone, we give all the credit for those feelings to that person. But the other person is really just the stimulus for achieving that state of being. The truth is, that state is always available to us, and some would argue, it’s our default spiritual state. 

We’ve been talking a lot lately about how to harness your ability to choose how you experience each moment of your life, regardless of your outer circumstances. Today, we’re going to dive deeper into that theme from a different angle, specifically discussing how you can choose to make love your default way of experiencing life, even when life is difficult (aka sucks).

Key Takeaways

  • Why love in our society is misunderstood and almost always thought of in terms of romantic love—and why love is our fundamental state.
  • How COVID has helped me live in a state of love and joy, even as I’ve faced setbacks and challenges.
  • How approaching meditation in a different way can help you get into an optimal state.
  • Why living intentionally and consciously accepting life as it is can help you stop emotions from getting the best of you.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Sep 8, 2021

For today’s podcast, I’m inviting you to choose to be either Person A or Person B, addressing the implications of the choice you make, and sharing insights on how to effectively choose. 

There are huge differences between these two people, and choosing to be one over the other can determine our quality of life. For me, I’ve found that the conscious choice makes all the difference in my quality of life, my mental and emotional well-being, my degree of success and almost every other aspect of my being.

In this episode, I want to give you an eye-opening look into how you are choosing to show up and who you’re choosing to be, no matter what’s going on in the world or in your life.

Key Takeaways

  • How we as human beings can choose how we feel about every moment of our lives.
  • Why no one consciously chooses unhappiness, and what really makes us unhappy.
  • Wisdom from Margaret Wheatley’s book, Who Do We Choose To Be?
  • How to answer a question as loaded as “What should we focus on?”
  • Why people can survive tragedy without being resigned to letting it define them.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Sep 1, 2021

Today’s podcast covers precisely how to experience two (2) types of freedom that we all want: Outer Freedom and Inner Freedom.

Outer Freedom is the ability to get yourself to do what you need to do—even when you don’t feel like it—in order to produce the results, outcomes, and circumstances that you want, in every aspect of your life.

Inner Freedom is the ability to get yourself to feel exactly how you want to feel (happy, confident, calm, etc.), regardless of what’s happening in your life.

How do you get yourself to do what you need to do–even when you don’t feel motivated to do something? When you can do things that produce results, you have outer freedom.

How do you get yourself to feel the emotional and mental states that would enable you to enjoy this one life you’ve been given, even in the midst of tragedy, trauma, and forces outside of your control? When you access your ability to choose the way you feel, regardless of your circumstances, you have inner freedom.

In today’s conversation, I’m going to share with you the most effective strategy I’ve ever implemented to achieve outer freedom. Then, I’m going to walk you through seven steps, in the form of questions, that you can use to quickly (if not immediately) access the inner freedom you were born with.

Key Takeaways

  • How I motivate myself to get things done, even when I don’t want to do them–and why it’s okay to not be perfect.
  • How to get yourself to start doing the things you don’t want to do–and why committing to action while being unattached to results can make all the difference.
  • Why fear inevitably leads us to procrastinate.
  • Questions to ask yourself on your journey to inner freedom.
  • And so… much… more! :^)

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Aug 25, 2021

Today’s episode is a very real, raw, and authentic conversation with someone who’s become a total inspiration to me, Eric Hansen. Despite living through unimaginable circumstances, he has figured out how to embody what I’ve been talking about for the past year… Inner Freedom

Eric is a recovering drug addict who began using at the age of 12, raised by his mother who was also an addict. He has been homeless multiple times, and he’s been in and out of jail and prison. While he was in prison, he discovered this podcast, and it transformed his outlook on life. 

Currently out for four months, employed, and living in a halfway house, Eric is still navigating difficult health struggles and various painful consequences of his previous actions. However, his internal quality of life and his ability to experience the inner freedom that we all seek, are truly exceptional. He’s building a following in the Miracle Morning Community Facebook group, where he has posted every single day, for 96 consecutive days. 

I’ve been so inspired by him that I knew I needed to talk to him on the very same podcast that changed his life. 

In this extraordinary conversation, Eric tells the story of how he fell from success to homelessness, how to recover from hitting rock-bottom, and how to truly take responsibility for–and choose how we experience–our lives.

Key Takeaways

  • How Eric discovered the Achieve Your Goals podcast while in prison, and the immediate impact it had on him.
  • What the Miracle Morning has done for Eric that nothing else did.
  • How Eric’s career in sales thrived as he fell further and further into cocaine addiction and his family fell apart.
  • How Eric stays accountable to himself, even in the toughest times.
  • How Eric was able to further his education during his most recent stint in jail–and why episode #338 of this show, “Freedom from Your Emotional Pain,” impacted him like nothing else.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Aug 18, 2021

“How’s life?” can often be a loaded question, especially with the state of the world right now. If you ask most people, they’ll run through an inventory of their circumstances. You might hear them talk about what’s going well, but, more often than not, you’ll hear about their problems, financial challenges, difficulties at work, struggles in their marriage, or other less-than-stellar circumstances. 

And when we’re not talking about our problems/circumstances, we’re thinking about them. We tend to listen to the voice in our head, stressing about the present and worrying about the future, and unconsciously allowing our emotional well-being to suffer. 

But what if there is more to life than our circumstances? What if life is actually the experience we’re having in the present moment? And what if you could learn how to transcend the voice in your head and live the majority of your life in the present moment? 

In today’s episode, I want to teach you two techniques you can use to stop the voice in your head from taking over and give you the power to truly live in the present moment. Even if you’re already familiar with them, I want you to look at them in a new way, combine them, and discover how they can help you be here now–and live free from fear, stress, and anxiety.

Key Takeaways

  • How to assess how often you’re fully present.
  •  Where stress, fear, overwhelm, and regret come from.
  •  Why our brains are prone to amplifying and focusing on problems when we try to solve them.
  • How to not let the voice in your head create your reality.
  •  How a mantra can help you bring your life into alignment on your terms. 
  • My 7-day challenge that will enable you to begin quickly living in the present moment.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Aug 11, 2021

When you’re experiencing stress, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, or any other challenging emotional state, how can you regain control of the way you feel?  

Today was supposed to be another “Ask Me Anything” episode, where I answer listener questions. However, as I began to address the first question: What do you believe about Jesus, God, and the Bible, I found myself thinking about the difficult situations and resulting emotions that many people are facing right now. 

If you’ve experienced emotional distress, are concerned with the future, or are afraid of the unknown, today’s episode will provide you with some practical advice you can use to rise above your challenges and take control of your emotional state.

Key Takeaways

  • Why I don’t identify with any political party or religious sect—and how to find your own truth.
  • How we create layers of protection, to protect our psyche, over the course of our lives.
  • Why it’s so important to get back in touch with who you really are.
  • How inner freedom gives you the power to choose how to experience life in any given moment.
  • What to do when your emotional state isn’t serving you—and how to double down on taking control of your emotions during challenging times.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Aug 4, 2021

Today’s episode of the podcast is going to cover three somewhat random and unrelated (yet very important) topics. I’m talking about:

  • Four profound lessons learned from the BEST vacation of my life – and how you can immediately apply them to enhance your daily life.
  • Major disruptions in our food supply chain and how to prepare for the very realistic possibility of coming food shortages.
  • Why the book I’m reading right now is SO good that it may have led me to stop writing my newest book.

Why these topics? In short, they all tie back to health, safety, freedom, and happiness. 

Key Takeaways

  • Four guiding principles to enhance your everyday life.
  • What to consider when it comes to adding value to your loved one's life in really simple but meaningful ways.
  • How to “eat for energy” and why I’m so intentional about the foods I consume (and exactly what I eat from when I wake up until I go to bed).
  • Why you have the power to choose your perspective and interpret life however you choose.
  • How I’ve been preparing for potential food emergencies without becoming a paranoid prepper.
  • Why The Inner Work has had such a huge impact on me—and how to make sense of when other people appear to have received the same message from the universe that you have.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 28, 2021

Do you consider yourself to be an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist? Optimism, pessimism, and realism are three different paradigms that impact how we approach life and interpret life’s events. For some, they’re even identities.

When we face difficult times, our dominant paradigm tends to become amplified, which can be the determining factor in whether we suffer or thrive.

I’ve experienced this in a unique way. For many years of my life, I was what I would call a delusional optimist. While this helped me through some difficult times, it also stopped me from healthily processing negative emotions and events, and I had to learn quite a few tough lessons the hard way.

In this episode, I want to dive deep into the differences between optimism, pessimism, and realism–and help you identify how these paradigms can be most useful and effective as you optimize and make the most of the life you live.

Key Takeaways

  • What it really means to be an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist.
  • Why so many self-identified realists are focused on the negative–and why it’s just as realistic to be excited about the possibilities and positives in life.
  • The dangers of blind or delusional optimism–and how it can make it extremely difficult to process or make sense of negative emotions.
  • An exercise you can do to truly understand what’s going on in your life and reframe your reality.
  • The genius of being able to hold two opposing ideas in your mind simultaneously.
  • The ABCs of realistic optimism.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 21, 2021

Do you ever struggle with prioritizing your goals and figuring out which one deserves the most attention? Does that lack of clarity ever cause you to procrastinate or feel like you’re not being as productive as you should be? 

In today’s podcast, I’m going to help you to overcome these common struggles by sharing Chapter 6 from my latest book/audiobook, The Miracle Equation, in its entirety. The chapter is titled “Your Mission: It's Time to Get Clear About Your Top Priority.”

If you want to learn how to identify the single most important priority in your life, commit to one singular mission, and achieve your biggest goals and dreams, this episode is for you!

Key Takeaways

  • How identifying your “mission” can enable you to achieve ALL of your goals.
  • Understanding the key difference between a goal and a mission.
  • You can’t win a gold medal in more than one activity/sport!
  • Find out if multitasking is holding you back from achieving your biggest goals — and what to do instead!
  • Why I was completely delusional about my priorities prior to being diagnosed with Cancer.
  • Why the fear of going through another financial crisis (like that of 2008) prevented me from prioritizing what mattered most.
  • How I was able to overcome my addiction to work and productivity. I share the radical changes I made to my schedule so I could be fully aligned with my highest priority… family.
  • Why it’s okay if your top priority changes over time.
  • How to choose your mission and accomplish any goal!
  • How to achieve more in 30 days than most people do in 12 months.
  • The problem with creating long-term goals.
  • 5 safety nets you can use to ensure you successfully accomplish your mission.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 14, 2021

How do you fulfill the unlimited potential that is within you, in order to create everything you want for your life? How do you stop procrastinating, get past the obstacles standing in your way, and do everything you’re capable of?

It’s one thing to know what you need to do, it’s another thing to actually live it.

In today’s episode, the second edition of my “Ask Me Anything” series, I’m answering your questions on this topic. Join me as we dive deep into what it means to live to your full potential, how to achieve it, and what you can do to gain the power to live the life that you truly want and deserve.

Key Takeaways

  • How to stop unconsciously settling for less, overcome feelings of dissatisfaction, and create the inner (and outer) world you want to experience each day.
  • The key to stop procrastinating, become consistent in your actions, and get out of unhelpful routines.
  • How to take the teachings you read about, lean into those beliefs, and make them a part of your daily practice.
  • Four simple rules to live by to unlock your potential.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 7, 2021

Would you say that you’re truly happy? In 2020, I got to a place where I was so depressed that I told my wife and my friends, “I don’t remember what it feels like to be happy.” That was after I had already sent my wife a desperate text message one night that read, “I don’t want to worry you, but I feel like I don’t want to live, and I don’t know what to do.” 

I was so scared that I’d never be able to get back to a place of happiness again and couldn’t remember how to get there. But over the course of the past year, I’ve gone from being the most unhappy I’ve ever been to arguably the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. It wasn’t a change in circumstances that led me there, it was a change in how I approach and view my life.

In today’s episode of the podcast, I want to share the three steps I took to get from being completely unhappy to feeling like I’m living life in a state of joy, peace, love, and gratitude—everything that makes up the feeling of happiness.

Key Takeaways

  • Why two people whose lives look exactly the same often feel completely different.
  • Why happy people find joy in everything they do and unhappy people constantly experience emotional turmoil.
  • The reason why there’s no cookie cutter approach to happiness—and how you can remove the obstacles that stop you from feeling happy.
  • The power of choosing to be happy—and what this actually entails.
  • What happens when we accept the unchangeable, stop resisting reality, and be at peace with things exactly as they are.
  • How to find joy in everything you do and make every moment the best moment of your life.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jun 30, 2021

If you’re an entrepreneur (or a wantrepreneur), this episode is for you. Today I’m talking with Gino Wickman, arguably one of the most influential entrepreneurs in modern history and bestselling author of Traction, Get a Grip, and Rocket Fuel. Perhaps even more consequential, he’s the creator of EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System), which is used daily by over 100,000 companies around the world.

Gino’s newest book, The Entrepreneurial Leap is packed with real-life stories and advice to help others make the leap into entrepreneurship, shorten your learning curve, and produce significant results. However, this isn’t just a book for new entrepreneurs. It helped me to identify the fundamentals necessary to optimizing my business, many of which I’d skipped on my own journey.

Today, Gino and I are talking about what he’s learned about starting businesses in his 30 years of coaching entrepreneurs, the meaning of true entrepreneurship, and how to realize what you’ve been put on this earth to do.

Key Takeaways

  • The 6 essential traits to being an entrepreneur.
  • Why over 50% of new businesses are out of business in the first five years and the complicated relationship between entrepreneurship and risk taking.
  • The eight critical mistakes that even seasoned entrepreneurs make.
  • Why entrepreneurial parents shouldn’t force their kids to become entrepreneurs.
  • What makes rejection such a powerful and valuable learning experience.
  • The 9 stages of building a successful business.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jun 23, 2021

Let’s be honest, life can really suck sometimes. Life can be difficult. On our worst days, life can feel downright unbearable. So, how can we be happy and enjoy our lives, more often than not?

On last week’s podcast, we began to answer this question by exploring How to Make Every Moment the Best Moment of Your Life (in case you missed that episode, I highly recommend you listen to it here first before you dive into this one). 

This week, we’re picking up where last week left off. By evaluating what enabled me to go to bed the other night, feeling like I had lived my best day ever, I’ve found a repeatable formula you can use to create the best day of your life, on any given day. 

Today I’m sharing with you what I now do that enables me to make any day the best day of my life, why I do it, and how you can too.

Key Takeaways

  • Why the best day of your life exists in isolation and not in comparison to the other days you’ve lived.
  • How to stop the things that are all but guaranteed to happen from ruining the best day of your life. (e.g. traffic, disappointments, difficult people, etc.)
  • Why living in alignment with your values is the key to experiencing a feeling of total satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment.
  • The common obstacles to living your best day and how to tackle them, one by one.
  • The three-step formula for living the best day of your life.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jun 16, 2021

If I were to ask you to recall the best moment of your life, what comes to mind…?

I think most people would recall a significant event or occasion, such as the birth of a child, their wedding day, running a marathon, or the day that they got to ______ (fill in the blank with some exceptional experience). For most, the best moment would likely be an event or circumstance and the positive emotions they experienced as a result, which prompts them to identify it as their best moment.

But what if the best moment of your life wasn’t measured by external circumstances? What if it was something you chose rather than something that occurred randomly? If that were the case, could one choose to make any, or every moment the best moment of their life? Might that be possible?

And if it was possible to choose to experience any moment as the best moment of your life, if you had that ability, what would be the repercussions of using that ability daily? How might it impact the quality of your life?

Today, we’re exploring this idea of the best moment of your life; what it’s about, if we have the power to create and experience it, if it’s left to chance, and if it’s random. I’m also going to share why people struggle with implementing this concept, and how you can overcome the struggles in a way that can significantly and immediately enhance the quality of your life.

Ultimately, in this episode I share how you can begin experiencing any moment as the best moment of your life—literally—even during extremely difficult circumstances.

Key Takeaways

  • Why pitting external circumstances against the internal experience is key to achieving inner freedom—and why inner freedom is (arguably) more important than your external circumstances.
  • How to create your inner experience during trying and emotionally painful times.
  • The power of accepting the moment as-is to invite emotional peace, inner peace, and emotional freedom.
  • How to be an island of sanity for the people closest to you in chaotic times.
  • Ways to make any given moment the best moment of your life and live in a state of perpetual fulfillment.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jun 9, 2021

A few weeks ago, I did a podcast episode where I shared with you a behind-the-scenes look at my next book. On that episode, I announced that we’re going to try a new “Ask Me Anything” format on the podcast, and I invited you to submit your questions, with a promise to answer them on future episodes. 

Today is our first “Ask Me Anything” episode and I’m answering your questions—and over the last few weeks, y’all have sent in A LOT of questions! :^) 

The questions I’m answering today are about finding purpose in life, emotional intelligence, optimizing your mindset, and a number of other topics. 

If you would like to ask me a question, please go to to submit it. Depending on how this goes, I’ll keep a running list of questions and answer as many as I can—perhaps as often as once or twice a month!

Key Takeaways

  • How to find purpose and hope in an uncertain future—and why you get to decide what your life is all about.
  • How to redefine success by defining your values.
  • What we can do to learn optimism and develop internal motivation to live out unwavering faith in the face of worry, doubt, and negativity.
  • How to separate yourself from outcomes as you work to hit your goals—and why committing to the process without getting attached to the result is the secret to success.
  • My simple strategy to ensure that I drink enough water to stay hydrated.
  • How to write an affirmation to help ensure you will commit yourself to achieve your goal, no matter how challenging it is.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jun 2, 2021

Have you ever taken the time to examine your identity and how it’s impacted your life? For most of us, that’s not something we ever even think of doing. Our identity kind of runs in the background, and yet it impacts everything we do. 

Every day we show up and live our lives based on who we believe we are and how we perceive ourselves—and these beliefs can either help us or hurt us. In essence, what we believe about ourselves—good OR bad—is what we become.

Today, we’re going to bring our unexamined identities to the surface and I’m going to share actionable steps you can take to intentionally and strategically upgrade your identity in order to upgrade your reality.

Key Takeaways

  • How anyone can upgrade their identity to improve any aspect of their life.
  • Why so many top performers activate an “alter ego” so they can perform at their best.
  • How I upgraded my identity as a father to transcend mediocrity and show up for my kids as “Superdad.”
  • How you can conceptualize what it means to be a peak performer in any environment and define your ideal identity.
  • What you can do to create an opportunity for virtually instant transformation.
  • The four simple steps you can take to identify which aspects of your identity you need to improve, what might be holding you back, what you want to change, and how to live it.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

May 26, 2021

As the title suggests, this week’s episode gives you 3 simple steps that you can immediately use to unlock the potential in yourself and others. That includes yourself as an individual, your family, your company, and anywhere else in your life where human potential is at stake.

Returning to the podcast, to introduce you to the “Xchange approach” today is my good friend and Master Facilitator, Jeremy Reisig. Working alongside the founder of Xchange, Jon Berghoff, Jeremy has become one of the foremost experts in helping people and organizations to experience rapid transformation.

In our conversation, Jeremy and I share lots of personal examples and actionable strategies to immediately start applying these three simple steps to your life.

* Announcement *

FREE “Xchange Approach 101” Training for
The Miracle Morning Community on June 2nd

If you are in a role where you directly impact other people (coach, trainer, consultant, teacher, or leader of any type) and the concepts taught in today’s podcast resonate with you, I highly recommending joining a FREE live training that I asked Jon Berghoff to lead exclusively for the Miracle Morning Community. It’s taking place on Wednesday, June 2nd (offered at two times). For all the details and to RSVP for the free event, simply go to

You’ll discover how to use the XCHANGE Approach to elevate consciousness, learning, connection, and community in any group you’re in. There’s a max of 200 people per workshop, so secure your spot today!


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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

May 19, 2021

Ever since my last book published (The Miracle Equation), I’ve been working on a new book that I truly believe will be my most important contribution to date. Recently, I had a bit of an unconventional idea, which is for you, me, and our community to co-create the book together.

In order to do that, I’ve already been sharing and testing concepts from the book on this podcast over the last few months, and on today’s episode I want to go one step further: I want to break down the current manuscript with you, chapter-by-chapter, and get your thoughts and feedback.

As of now, the book is tentatively titled The Miracle Life and is about showing you how to experience what I call “true freedom” by accessing your inherent ability to choose how you experience life in every moment, regardless of your circumstances.

Also, as part of the process of co-creating this book with you, I’ll be doing an “Ask Me Anything” episode soon, to learn what you most want help with. And I set up a page for you to submit any question you have for me. So, if you have a question that you’d like to ask me—any question at all—please submit it at I look forward to answering your question on an upcoming podcast episode!


  • The factors that hold us back from experiencing true freedom.
  • What it means to achieve the “next level” of success and fulfillment in the most important area(s) of your life—and how to make that happen.
  • The value of changing the rules of how you play the game of life.
  • How to find true joy in the perfection of every moment, exactly as it is.
  • Why this new book will NOT end in a 30-day Challenge, but instead it will be a 30-day Sabbatical.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

May 12, 2021

Finding the balance between work life and family life isn’t always easy. Whether you’re a father, a mother, or a spouse without kids, there’s no feeling quite like that of thriving in your personal relationships. But it takes hard work, setting priorities, and a strong community to truly thrive. 

Today, I’m speaking to one of my closest friends, Jon Vroman. We just spent four days together at a retreat led by his organization, Front Row Dads – a group for entrepreneurial-minded dads who believe in family first. Since 2016, I’ve watched Jon help men and their families learn, grow, and level up. 

In this conversation, Jon and I talk about what he’s learned from five years of leading Front Row Dads. You’ll learn how to create breakthroughs in your relationships, rethink the act of resolving conflict, improve your emotional intelligence, and discover actionable strategies to enhance and even master your family life. 

And if you like this episode, Jon and I will also be hosting a FREE online group masterclass—specifically for husband and fathers—called “Family Man Mastery” on Tuesday, June 1st at 12:00 p.m. EST. If you’re interested, you can go to to sign up now.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The importance of modeling good relationships for your kids, no matter what kind of family you have.
  • How to transform your marriage by focusing on being the perfect partner for your spouse.
  • How to unpack and make sense of what happens when you’re triggered.
  • How to reframe situations when you feel like you’re truly out of alignment with your spouse.
  • What you can do to build a legacy in real-time for your children to treasure in the years and decades to come.
  • And much more! :^)

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