
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod is a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level. Subscribe to the podcast and get a new episode every Wednesday.
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Apr 14, 2021

Today’s podcast episode is a blend of relevant wisdom and helpful resources that will (hopefully) add significant value to your world. I’m sharing some of my most recent insights and breakthroughs (aka wisdom) as well as some of the tools, resources, songs, movies, and books that are significantly enhancing my life right now. 

My intention with today’s show is to share this wisdom and these resources to help you optimize your physical and mental well-being, to be happier, to better understand your purpose in the world, and to live your life in the present moment.


  • The specific therapy I recently discovered that almost instantaneously cured my body after 20 years of chronic damage - and how it can help treat headaches, TMJ, and a wide variety of other conditions.
  • What it means to elevate your consciousness and why it’s a worthwhile pursuit that transforms your life. 
  • The valuable principles, philosophies, and practices I’ve learned from reading and re-reading Awareness by Anthony DeMello and Transcending Levels of Consciousness by David Hawkins.
  • Why I recommend watching this one particular documentary albeit with a slight disclaimer.
  • How Rob Riccardo’s album The Fire In Me inspires listeners to transcend ego and do the work.
  • [Miracle Morning Pro Tip] The one thing you can immediately start doing to wake up feeling alert and energized every morning.
  • And much, much, much, much, much more. :^)

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Apr 7, 2021

Today’s guest has touched the hearts and minds of millions of people worldwide, helping them to upgrade their lives with his teachings of self-mastery, radical self-acceptance, and inspired action.

I’m referring to my good friend, and one of the most enlightened individuals I’ve ever met, Jesse Elder. 

Jesse is a speaker, mentor, entrepreneur, and all around lover of life. In our unscripted and uncensored conversation today, Jesse and I touch on a variety of topics, including the balance between ambition and happiness, why you don’t have to wait to experience freedom and joy, dealing with negative opinions, preparing for disasters, and much more. 

If you want to better understand how you can expand your life (not out of fear) and experience more freedom and joy, this episode is for you!

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s so hard to make a difference in the world if you’re not having fun.
  • Why people who focus their energy on producing amazing free content break Jesse’s heart.
  • The difference between rejection and refusal - and why the responses you get from people often have nothing to do with you personally.
  • How being curious and hungry can bring out curiosity and hunger in others.
  • The value of being prepared for disasters, war, and power outages - and why it’s important to be “aware, but not afraid” and “prepared, but not paranoid.”
  • Why Jesse sees his life as indestructible.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Mar 31, 2021

How do you define happiness? And what if you had the power to be genuinely happy, all the time, no matter what was going on in your life? 

We’ve been conditioned to believe that happiness is something to be attained through achievement, success, and validation from others. Oftentimes, we make the mistake of treating happiness like it’s some sort of goal we must reach...  

If only I had more money…

If only I had a different career…”

If only I had better relationships...

“If only I had a more… different... better…” 

The truth is that happiness isn’t something you attain; it’s within you. It’s available to you 24/7, and it isn’t dependent on anything outside of you. You just need to understand how to tap into it. 

In today’s episode, I’m going to give you the tools to experience true happiness — even during difficult times — and teach you how to consistently wake up every day feeling like it’s the best day of your life (because it truly can be).


  • Redefining happiness and success – and why these things normally overlap.
  • Why seeking validation from others makes your happiness conditional - and is both dangerous and highly addictive.
  • How we can choose to be happy independent of our conditions, even when facing adversity.
  • Why choosing unconditional happiness doesn’t mean rejecting sadness or depression. 
  • The three components of my current definition of happiness, how it has evolved over time, and ideas to create your own.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Mar 24, 2021

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Have you considered the impact that writing a book can make on your life and your financial security? Did you know that you can literally write and publish a book in as little as 90 days?

Personally, I can tell you that writing and self-publishing my book The Miracle Morning is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, because it enabled me to help millions of other people while providing financial security for my family. So, I’m committed to help as many other people as possible to experience those benefits. 

In today’s podcast episode, you’ll get to listen in on my conversation with my long time friend, bestselling author and founder of Self-Publishing School, Chandler Bolt. You’ll hear Chandler’s incredible story (that you can learn from and model) of how he self-published his first book at 20 years old and turned that into a $26 million business by age 27! But first… 


Before you listen to today's episode, I have an exciting announcement to share with you. Next week, I’ll be co-hosting two live online Masterclasses (at no cost to you) with my long time friend, bestselling author and founder of Self-Publishing School, Chandler Bolt. One Masterclass is for aspiring authors who want to write a book, and the other is for new or established authors who want to sell more books:

LIVE Masterclass #1: How to Write & Publish a Bestselling Book in as Little as 90 Days that Grows Your Impact, Income, and Business

When: March 30th (Tuesday at 1:00pm EST (10:00am PST)
Click here to register now

LIVE Masterclass #2: The Proven Path to Sell More Books: How to Sell Your First (or Next) 10,000 Copies

When: April 1st at 1:00pm EST (10:00am PST)
Click here to register now

Again, there is NO CHARGE to you for either of these live Masterclasses.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to publish a book to get your message out to the world and create passive income, today’s podcast episode is a must-listen, and I recommend registering for one of the Masterclasses.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why and how to establish “proof of concept” before you write your book or start your business. 
  • Why a book has the unique power to change lives decades or centuries later.
  • How to identify what you should write your book about. 
  • The three things holding people back from writing books - and the two big reasons people should write them. 
  • How Chandler kick started his career by volunteering at events he couldn’t afford to attend. 
  • How Self-Publishing School started because people kept asking Chandler for advice - and how he went from ZERO to $1.32 million in sales in 11 months.
  • The difference between taking risks and being risky.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Mar 17, 2021

Do you struggle with your visualization practice? I know I do - it’s the least strong of my S.A.V.E.R.S. and something I’m always looking to better understand, enhance, and otherwise improve. 

This is why today’s episode is guest hosted by my good friend, Chip Franks. In addition to being an incredible author, stroke survivor, father, and husband, Chip is an expert when it comes to the Miracle Morning and each of the S.A.V.E.R.S. And when he surprised me with this podcast episode that he recorded specifically for our community, I immediately wanted to share it with you. 

Today, Chip goes deep into visualization. You’ll learn why it’s the least understood of the S.A.V.E.R.S., what makes it so important, and discover 10 ways to get creative with your visualization practice.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • #1: Be clear on what you want to visualize, and use your goals or a feeling that you want to have happen in your life to guide your visualization.
  • #2: Take the hammer approach instead of the butterfly approach.
  • #3: Engage every sense in your visualization to make the experience more awesome.
  • #4: Deeply feel your visualization to give your subconscious something to work on.
  • #5: Use the two-part visualization to imagine not just your end goal, but the steps you’ll take to get there.
  • #6: Visualize in both the first- and third-person.
  • #7: Push through the hard parts to conquer obstacles and prevent yourself from failing prematurely.
  • #8: Create deep intention with no attachments.
  • #9: Use visualization to act perfectly.
  • #10: Combine visualization with your other S.A.V.E.R.S. to bring the best out of everything.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Mar 10, 2021

Ever since I finished writing my last book (The Miracle Equation), I’ve been actively learning and evolving in an attempt to figure out one thing: how can I best contribute to humanity? In other words, what do all of us need that I might be able to help people experience? 

Through daily meditation and prayer, engaging with your community, and consistently reading and learning, I have become more and more clear. I’m currently deep into the research phase, which means I’m reading and re-reading 6 or 7 books right now, as well as constantly striving to become the person I need to be to live and ultimately deliver that message. 

Rather than make you wait until a new book, in today’s episode, I’d like to share with you what I’ve been learning as I’ve experienced it. I want to give you some new distinctions, insights, lessons, strategies, and knowledge that you can use to improve your own life - however they may serve you.


  • Why my main goal right now is to achieve inner freedom and to be in a place where no circumstances, and nothing anyone says or does can affect my emotional state - and why it’s okay if I never get there.
  • The power of surrender. 
  • Why it’s impossible not to be selfish as we work to become the best versions of ourselves - and why that’s okay.
  • The books I’ve been diving into over the last year - and what I’ve learned from them.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Mar 3, 2021

A few weeks ago, John Lee Dumas and I had a conversation about his new book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment, and we’ve both been blown away by the response. I got a huge number of comments, emails, and responses, and John got more emails after our podcast than any other he’s ever recorded.

One of the questions I was asked was simply, “What are the 17 steps to uncommon success?” With John’s book still weeks away from release, I asked him if he’d be willing to pull back the curtain and share ALL of these steps with the Miracle Morning Community - and he was gracious enough to say, “Yes, let’s do it!”

Today, John returns to the podcast for the second time in less than 30 days—something I’ve never done before—to share all 17 steps to uncommon success, with my added insights and commentary.


  • How a single quote (from Albert Einstein) transformed John Lee Dumas’ life more between the ages of 32 and 41 than he did in his first three decades on Earth.
  • The life-changing power of the ripple effect.
  • John’s 17 steps to achieve Uncommon Success (taken from 3,000+ interviews). 
  • How John was able to get the BEST person to interview for each step. 
  • How you can apply each step to create your own path to uncommon success. 
  • And much more…

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Feb 24, 2021

Today, you’re in for a treat! This episode is quite a bit different than our usual format, but I promise it’s packed with a ton of value. It’s actually a replay taken from a 2-hour Clubhouse welcome party that I did for The Miracle Morning Community. 

In case you’re not familiar with Clubhouse, it’s basically an audio-only chatting app where individuals can host and join different conversations. It’s sort of like a live podcast, except the major difference is that the audience is able to raise their hand and be invited onto a virtual stage to interact and participate with the speakers. 

A few weeks ago, my friend Gary Henderson offered to host a welcome party as a way for me to connect and communicate with people in our community and beyond. During this 2-hour session, you’ll hear an interview between me and a group of carefully selected moderators. We then shift gears and open up the dialogue to a Q&A format so people listening could join in. 

We touch on A LOT of Miracle Morning related topics, but in a way that you’ve never experienced before. The beauty of Clubhouse is that it’s not just a one-way discussion. I’m getting questions in real-time that people are struggling with, and through this platform, we get to work out the answers together.


  • What does it mean to elevate our consciousness and how does that collectively elevate the consciousness of humanity?
  • How to take control of your inner world. What happens on the outside doesn’t have to dictate what happens on the inside! 
  • Why every challenge we face is an opportunity to help other people ease their suffering. 
  • Why your resistance to reality is the cause of all of your emotional pain and suffering - and what you can do instead to overcome life’s biggest challenges. 
  • Stories from the most difficult moments of my life, including my recent struggle with depression and losing my will to live. 
  • Why our dependence on smartphones is detrimental to our mental and emotional well being - and where I believe we should be focusing our attention instead! 
  • How to transform your state of mind at ANY moment, using Emotional Optimization Meditation.
  • 3 steps you can use to create real results with your affirmations and visualizations - and the 2 biggest reasons why most affirmations never come true. 
  • How I use the S.A.V.E.R.S to optimize my own mental and emotional well being. 
  • Q&A with a ton of Clubhouse listeners!

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Feb 17, 2021

We can all see struggle and hardship in the world, and we all want to make a difference. But how do we get our ideas off the ground and give back in authentic, effective ways?

Autumn Strier had a grand vision to help families in need, and she now lives in service of that vision every day. She’s the founder and CEO of Miracles for Kids, an organization I discovered a few months back and immediately started supporting. They help families with critically ill children fight bankruptcy, homelessness, hunger and depression, giving them the resources and strength they need to fight for their kids’ lives. 

Thanks to you and everyone who supported The Miracle Morning Movie, we donated $9,200 from the ticket sales, and committed to donate an additional $1,000 per month, every month.

Today, Autumn and I are talking about how the kindness and generosity of others can help people build the lives they want, what happens when you get over self-doubt and believe in yourself, and the powerful ripple effect that you can create when you discover how you can best give back.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How being on the receiving end of charity as a child and working since the age of 10 inspired Autumn to give back as she grew up.
  • How Autumn turned a family friend’s unused employee contribution fund and tax I.D. letter into a thriving nonprofit despite already having a full-time job, a traveling husband, a two-year-old, and a baby weeks away from being born with a critical illness. 
  • Why people considering starting charities should look for a unique angle and be ready to pivot - just like if you’re launching a business.
  • What Miracles For Kids is doing to help families during the pandemic - and how you can support this wonderful organization.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Feb 10, 2021

There’s no way around it: we all live in a society where we have to earn money in order to pay for the things we need. However, that doesn’t mean that the money we earn has to be directly linked to our time, or that we have to spend our lives doing things we don’t enjoy in order to provide for ourselves and those we love. 

John Lee Dumas knows this very well. On his award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs On Fire, which has over 100,000,000 listens, he’s interviewed more than 2,700 of the world’s most successful leaders in business. In his new book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, he takes what he’s learned from those 2,700 interviews and lays out a proven 17-step roadmap to help his readers achieve financial security, freedom and fulfillment.

In our conversation today, John and I talk about how he was able to overcome PTSD in order to build a multi-million dollar business, how his 17-step system is helping people to achieve their goals, and why it’s time to stop being uncomfortable when it comes to talking about money.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How John found his footing as he confronted PTSD, professional failure, and depression after serving in the US military.
  • Why every single highly successful entrepreneur has followed John’s 17 steps, whether they know it or not. 
  • How to find your big idea, discover your niche, and create a solid content production plan.
  • How building the financial life you want gives you the freedom and power to give back to the people and organizations you care about the most.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Feb 3, 2021

A lot of us want more time, more money, and more freedom, but we don’t know how to make it happen. We don’t know what steps to take, what we need to do, or how to get started.

This is why Ray Higdon’s message spoke to me, and I’m pleased to say that today’s podcast exceeded my expectations. Ray is the author of the new book, Time, Money, Freedom: 10 Simple Rules to Redefine What’s Possible and Radically Reshape Your Life. In it, he and his wife Jessica share how they achieved personal and financial independence - and give their readers a step-by-step process to build confidence and take control of their lives.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Ray’s childhood story of overcoming an abusive relationship with his stepmother.
  • Why Ray decided to write the book, Time, Money, Freedom.
  • Why anyone can create a great life despite a bad past.
  • How your hardships can inspire others and positively impact the world.
  • The concept of “plucking your weeds” - identifying and changing areas of your life that are incongruent with your values. 
  • Why more money = more good! 
  • The power of vulnerability - and why sharing your story is the inspiration others need! 
  • Why success shouldn’t be associated with monetary gains or status - and a much better way to measure it.
  • Having a WHY that makes you cry and the secret to making real progress towards it.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jan 27, 2021

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, your personal brand matters. It affects how you’re perceived by others, the doors that open for you, and your influence in the world, both on and offline.

Today, Rory Vaden returns to the podcast to talk with us about what personal branding is, why it matters, and the six questions you can use to uncover that ONE thing to be known for! 

Rory is the bestselling author of Procrastinate on Purpose and Take the Stairs, his insights have been featured across major media outlets, his TEDx Talk has over 3 million views, and he’s been called one of the top 100 speakers in the world by Inc. 

He also co-founded Brand Builders Group, where he teaches mission-driven messengers and heart-led leaders to build more meaningful influence, impact, and income through personal development training and personal branding strategies.

Today, you’ll learn the 6 question to clarify your personal brand:

  • Question 1: In one word, what problem do I solve?
  • Question 2: What am I passionate about? 
  • Question 3: What do I research? 
  • Question 4: What do I have results in? 
  • Question 5: What business am I in? 
  • Question 6: What would people be willing to buy?

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jan 20, 2021

What are your financial goals for 2021? Entering into the New Year, we often talk about transforming our health, our relationships, and our careers - but what about our finances? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been guilty of making mistakes when it comes to setting goals for income, savings, and wealth creation. Fortunately, there’s no better time to change than now. 

Joining me today to talk about this is Robert Gonzalez. Robert is the founder and CEO of MyBooks.PRO, a profitability and bookkeeping company that works with individuals and entrepreneurs. I’ve known Robert for fifteen years, and I was his coach back in 2009 – helping him with leadership and business strategies. Now, our roles have been reversed, as I coach with him – specifically on my finances. 

In this episode, Robert and I are talking about how to track your fin

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The common mistakes that people make when it comes to their finances.
  • The difference between using QuickBooks and working with a financial coach.
  • What makes financial goals not that different from the other goals we set for ourselves each year - and how to hold yourself to them, even if you have variable income.
  • Tools you can use to create automatic savings and solve your budget problems.
  • The four stages of financial freedom.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jan 13, 2021

I’m not sure if our world has ever been this divided. From my vantage point, I’ve never seen so much judgement, condemnation, hatred, and vitriol toward one another, especially between people of different belief systems. 

The reality is that we’re all human beings. We’re all part of the human family, and no matter how our beliefs might differ from one another, we’re all a lot more alike than we are different. We all want to be happy, to be healthy, to have freedom, to feel safe, and to feel respected.

Inspired by a Facebook Live session I did last week, today’s episode is about the consequences of judging and condemning others, the power of unconditional love (and why it’s not the same thing as tolerating harmful or abusive behavior), and how this radical gesture has the power to help us heal the world.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The consequences of judging others based on your own life experiences.
  • Why human beings have so much more in common than we do differences.
  • How unconditional love can heal the world, beginning with healing yourself. 
  • How do you love someone who has wronged you? 
  • Trading in your judgement for empathy.
  • The difference between blame and responsibility. 
  • What it means to be part of a human family.
  • Why putting labels on people makes it impossible to appreciate, respect, or love them.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jan 12, 2021

What does it mean to achieve financial freedom? Is it being able to provide for our families and not worry about making our next rent or mortgage payment? Is it having sources of passive income that pay the bills whether you work or not ? Is it the ability to focus solely on what you want to do in life, as opposed to what you need to do?

If you’re Justin Donald, it’s all of the above. In addition to being a personal friend of mine for over a decade, Justin is the author of the new book, The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom, where he introduces readers to a paradigm-shifting mindset when it comes to earning money. He empowers people to stop thinking that money can only come from stress, toil, and time, and shares strategies and principles designed to create real, tangible passive cash flow streams.

If you value building, growing, and protecting your wealth, today’s episode is for you. Justin isn’t just sharing his philosophy when it comes to money, but real-world advice that you can immediately implement to improve your financial situation.

During today’s conversation, here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How lifestyle investing uses money as a vehicle for freedom.
  • The steps Justin took while working full-time to create passive income streams.
  • How Justin chooses and structures investments to maximize returns and minimize risk.
  • Why anyone can become a lifestyle investor.
  • The traditional investment advice that Justin finds risky.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jan 6, 2021

For every single one of us, 2020 was a year unlike any other in history. For many, it was arguably the most difficult year of their lives. For some, it was a great year. My question for all of us to consider is, what determines whether a year is good or bad? 

On last week’s podcast, I shared an unconventional approach to making 2021 your best year yet. I talked about why having a good year or a bad year has less to do with your results and more to do with how you choose to show up and experience each day. In other words, if you commit to show up at your best each day, regardless of your results, wouldn’t that be the recipe to creating your best year ever?

Well, this week, we’re focusing on more of the tangible side of things — the specific goals and measurable outcomes that you want to achieve in your life.

You’re going to hear how to apply the Miracle Equation to your life in 2021, in order to move your biggest goals from possible, to probable, to inevitable and to create results beyond what you’ve ever imagined possible.

Today, you’ll learn the 5-steps to Achieve Your Biggest Goals and Dreams:

  • Step 1: Accept and Love Your Life Unconditionally
  • Step 2: Redefine the Purpose of Your Goals
  • Step 3: Maintain Unwavering Faith
  • Step 4: Put Forth Extraordinary Effort
  • Step 5: Maintain the Miracle Equation Until the Last Possible Moment

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Dec 30, 2020

What a year 2020 has been for all of us. No one could have predicted what was to come, and while I’ve heard from people that this was either their best or worst year ever, almost all of us have faced unprecedented challenges, adversity, and even opportunities along the way.

As we leave this year behind, on today’s podcast I’m inviting you to consider entering into 2021 with an unconventional paradigm—that creating the best year of your life has less to do with what you accomplish (your results) or what happens to/for you (your circumstance), and everything to do with how you choose to show up and experience each day. 

I’m also going to give you some strategies that you can immediately begin implementing to make 2021 your best year yet.


  • Why having a good year or a bad year has less to do with your results and more to do with how you show up every day.
  • How a difficult year (see 2020) can give you everything you need to become the person that you need to be to create everything else you want in life. 
  • How to get clarity and set goals in eight different areas.
  • The value of unwavering faith and resilience. 
  • The power of support and accountability networks - and how to find (or create) one.

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Copyright © 2020 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Dec 23, 2020

Today’s episode is a continuation from last week’s Freedom From Fear (Part 1). If you missed that episode, I highly recommend you click here to go back and listen to it before digging into this one. I talked about what fear is and why it is natural, what causes both conscious and unconscious fears, how fear can become incredibly destructive to your mental and emotional well-being as well as your goals, and how you can begin to gain control of your fears and experience true freedom.  

This week, we’re exploring what happens when you live in a perpetual state of fear - and why you don’t have to. You’ll learn how fear can make you a better person, practices you can use to overcome emotional states that are holding you back, and what you can do to live a life of joy and gratitude.


  • Why fear disappears when you actually encounter the things you were afraid of for so long. 
  • Why you can’t just snap your fingers and get over your fears. 
  • How to use two affirmations to replace fear with unwavering faith – even in the face of the things you fear the most.  
  • Three (3) strategies you can use when you experience fear. 
  • How to cater emotional optimization meditation (EOM) as a part of your daily practice for transcending fear.

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Dec 16, 2020

We’re all afraid of different things. It’s a natural part of the human experience. In fact, fear is what helps to protect us. However, fear can also become destructive and detrimental to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 

Right now, there’s a global collective fear of the unknown like never before, as well as our individual fears (both conscious and unconscious) that we each need to examine, understand, and free ourselves from.

Today’s episode is the first in a two-part series. We’re going to talk about what fear really is, what causes it, how it affects us, and how you can break free from fear.


  • The difference between “unconscious” fears and “conscious” fears. 
  • What exactly fear is, when it serves us, and when it doesn’t. 
  • Why fear is a self-created, intangible illusion - and how to use self-love and thinking from a place of power to transcend it. 
  • Why it’s not possible to be “fearless” but it is to fear less - and how to take a 20,000 foot view to understand and use your fears to your advantage.
  • How to avoid spending unnecessarily time in the fear state, even as you face intense challenges, trauma, and setbacks.

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Dec 9, 2020

Have you ever had the opportunity to talk with a true master in the realms of mindfulness and meditation? Over the years, I’ve read books and learned from various experts, but none with today’s level of mastery. 

Today’s guest, Shinzen Young, has practiced and taught meditation for over 50 years and is considered to be a true master. He is the co-director of the SEMA (Sonication-Enhanced Mindfulness Acquisition) Lab doing neuroscience research at the University of Arizona, and author of one of the most practical books I’ve ever read on the subject: The Science of Enlightenment: How Meditation Works.

In a conversation I’ve been looking forward to for a long time, Shinzen and I dive deep into what makes a mindfulness practice so valuable, overcoming limiting beliefs and setbacks, and what you should do to make your next practice even better.


  • How to develop the fundamental attention skills that allow us to succeed not just in meditation, but in life.
  • Why it’s so important to establish and maintain goals to have an effective, meaningful, lifelong meditation practice.
  • Why meditation is not the whole story for human happiness - and the negative effects it can have on people. 
  • What happened when Shinzen procrastinated and had to return an advance to a major publisher after failing to deliver his first book. 
  • Why Shinzen recommends you do more of what you’re already doing in your mindfulness practice - and do it better.

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Dec 2, 2020

Creating the life that you desire is a daily endeavor. It’s done by stringing together intentional, productive, meaningful days, one day at a time. And one of the best ways to do that is to use strategic questions to direct your focus and actions in order to optimize each day of your life.

Last week I sent you an email titled “ONE question to help you experience your most meaningful Thanksgiving ever.” Well, I’ve since pondered the value of applying that ONE question—not just on holidays—but EVERY single day, in order to create the most meaningful LIFE possible.

So, for today’s podcast, I’m exploring how asking, answering, and applying ONE question can help you to create and experience the life you desire, day-after-day-after-day, every single day, for years to come.


  • Why it’s so important to be intentional about how you show up every day.
  • My Top 5 answers to this ONE question.
  • The power of being at peace with the things you can’t change - and why we can always choose between inner peace and inner turmoil.
  • The difference between intellectual gratitude and heartfelt, earth-shattering gratitude.
  • Why you sometimes have to believe in the belief someone else has in you until your own belief catches up.

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Copyright © 2020 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 25, 2020

Do you have a clear vision for what the next 10 years of your life will be like? If not, would you like my help creating one? If you have one, do you think it would be beneficial to revisit it?

Last week, I came across a journal entry I wrote back in 2016. It was titled “The Miracle Morning Movement 10 Year Vision.” When I reread it, I was inspired by some of the possibilities, amazed to realize how much of it had already come true, and reminded that we can all benefit from creating and maintaining a 10-year vision that drives our behavior each day.  

I want you to be able to look back on this moment and say to yourself, “I did it. I got clear on the life I was committed to creating, what I needed to do, who I needed to become to create the most fulfilling life I could imagine, and I made it happen.”

Today, Shawn joins me to talk about the astounding problems with our healthcare system, the importance of diet and exercise in illness prevention, and the major cultural changes that need to happen to help us become a healthier society.


  1. First, you’re going to hear a detailed example of a 10-year vision to show you what it looks like when things come to fruition.
  2. Then we’re going to explore why creating a 10-year vision is worth your time.
  3. Finally, you’re going to learn a step-by-step process you can use to create a 10-year vision of your own.

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Copyright © 2020 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 18, 2020

When I was younger, I made a decision about my diet that forever changed my life: I will value the impact that food has on my body above the taste. At first, nothing changed overnight, but that decision gradually became my guiding principle so much so that I rarely put anything in my body that doesn’t add value to my health and energy.

When it comes to our health, and building our immunity to avoid viruses, disease, and illness, what we eat is arguably the single most important decision we can make. This year has made it more obvious than ever that the United States is the sickest nation in human history, and many people are being drastically affected by preventable illnesses.

However, with all this instability comes an incredible opportunity to change. Researcher and bestselling author, Shawn Stevenson—who joined me on the podcast previously to talk about his book Sleep Smarter—has just released his new book, Eat Smarter: Use the Power of Food to Reboot Your Metabolism, Upgrade Your Brain, and Transform Your Life.

Today, Shawn joins me to talk about the astounding problems with our healthcare system, the importance of diet and exercise in illness prevention, and the major cultural changes that need to happen to help us become a healthier society.


  • The major underlying issues affecting the health of so many people right now that aren’t being discussed - and what we can do about it.
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the effects of years of ignoring chronic illness.
  • How stress and uncertainty make us physically sicker by suppressing immune function.
  • How to improve and optimize your gut bacteria and the other microorganisms that inhabit your body.

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Copyright © 2020 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 11, 2020

When you hear the word freedom, what do you think about? Today I’m talking about how we can all achieve what I consider to be the ultimate freedom or specifically “inner freedom” – the ability to choose how you experience every aspect of your life in each moment. 

When we have inner freedom, we are in control of our inner world and our experience of life, no matter what’s going on. You have the ability to choose your experience of every aspect of your life, including how you experience other people. If you can attain inner freedom, you win. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life, in your bank account, at work, in the government, or in how other people show up—you’re in control. 

Today, I want to talk about how to achieve such a state of inner freedom, even during the most difficult times. You’ll learn why worrying is usually an unnecessary use of our energy, how to transcend inner turmoil, and experience life exactly as you choose.


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Nov 4, 2020

I think you’re going to love today’s podcast episode!  Maybe I’m a little biased, but I really had a blast with this one. :^D 

It’s a “behind the scenes” conversation from last week, between me and The Miracle Morning Movie team – Director (Nick Conedera) and Producer (Theresa Laurico) – on what it took to make this film. 

How do you make a documentary? How do you take an idea, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing, and turn it into a full-length feature film for an audience of millions? 

I’ve spent the last several years trying to answer these questions as I’ve worked on the Miracle Morning Movie. Nick and Theresa have provided me with invaluable guidance and support on this journey. They are some of my closest friends, a big part of my life, and advocates of the Miracle Morning mission and movement – and they helped inspire this incredible vision and turn it into a reality.

Today, you’ll learn the story behind the Miracle Morning Movie, how we built a powerful network of people all over the world to contribute to the film, and the many challenges, delays, and complications we all faced along the way.


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