Joe Polish is one of the most successful marketers on the planet! He has lived the struggle and has had amazing success in spite of it. In today’s conversation, Joe tells his story and explains how he overcame severe childhood trauma and became a best-selling author who works with entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss.
Joe is one of the featured BYEB Instructors during Entrepreneur Day at this year's Best Year Ever [Blueprint] LIVE Experience, Nov 17-19. Click here if you’d like to learn from Joe - in person!
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Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Fear, doubt, hesitation, anxiety, concern, frustration, self-limiting beliefs.... Whatever you want to call it, we’ve all been there.
So, how can you proactively overcome all of it?
In this discussion, Jon Berghoff shares from the heart and opens up about his experience with FEAR—yup, even an uber successful guy like Jon struggles with such self-imposed limitations.
In fact, it’s something he’s had to deal with for his whole life. As he puts it, “I live with fear. It’s not something that ever goes away.”
Maybe he can’t eliminate it—I don’t think anyone can—but he does consciously decide how to work with it. Today he’s going to share the 4 scientifically proven ways to breakthrough your fears.
Full Show Notes:\
Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
What kind of future would give YOU the greatest sense of pride, meaning and fulfillment?
We know that when we connect with our strengths, we perform at a much higher level. Yet, far too often, we look at what’s wrong, what’s broken and what’s missing as a way to solve our problems and find fulfillment in our lives.
What if instead, we looked at where we’ve been at our best—and then determined the factors that led to that success by asking better questions. Questions that would not only help us find deeper meaning in our own lives, but would create a shared sense of purpose in the lives of others.
That’s what you’re going to learn about today. In fact, we’re doing something a little different. We’re going to be replaying a recent conversation between Jon Berghoff and host of The Millionaire Mindcast podcast, Matty Aitchison. When I heard this discussion, I knew I had to share it with our community, as it’s loaded with insight!
Jon also reminds us that as a leader, you not only need to build the habit and practice of asking great questions, but you also have to build the habit of allowing yourself to not get attached to your first answer. Don’t be afraid to let your answers evolve!
Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Today’s conversation is with a man who runs six companies and is responsible for producing thousands of live events for corporate and social clients, worldwide—including the Best Year Ever Blueprint LIVE experience, which combines cutting edge experiential learning, live music, and an unparalleled level of engagement that produces immediate and lasting transformations for every person in attendance.
As Carey Smolenksky shares his entrepreneurial journey with you, you’ll learn why passion and helping others makes a world of difference in your success.
Of course, Carey didn’t build a business empire overnight. In fact, there tends to be an overwhelming amount of challenges that can arise in his line of work.
As he puts it, “A problem has a negative connotation. A challenge allows itself to present solutions.” He will teach you how to see your problems from a completely different angle—and show you how to overcome the uncontrollable circumstances that we all have to face in life.
In this discussion, he will also share the big lessons from his book Living Life with PASSION and Helping Others, including how to shift your mindset so you can find deeper meaning and purpose in both your personal and professional life.
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Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC