Feeling like you’re never enough is so common now that it’s practically a part of modern life. And it seems like no matter how much we achieve, those nagging thoughts of unworthiness can feel like they’re lurking in the shadows and waiting for the worst moment to shake your confidence even more.
Thankfully, we’ve got Jamie Kern Lima joining us today. Jamie is the NYT bestselling author of Believe IT: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable, and the founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she sold to L'Oreal for $1 billion. Her new book, Worthy, takes us on a journey of transcending those limiting beliefs about our self-worth.
In today’s episode, she introduces us to her four R’s, her secret weapon against those “I’m not good enough” feelings. Using her strategy, you can navigate your way out of those feelings of unworthiness and inch toward a life of unshakeable confidence, achievement, and the readiness to face challenges head-on.
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How fulfilling would your life be as a parent to watch your kids grow up and become successful and responsible adults and positively impact others? One big piece of the puzzle is teaching them to be savvy with their money. And since schools aren’t teaching our kids about money, it’s up to us to kick-start that journey.
That’s why I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Scott Donnell. Scott is the co-author of Value Creation Kid: The Healthy Struggles Your Children Need to Succeed and the visionary behind GravyStack, a financial literacy educational app for kids and teens. Today, he’s sharing invaluable insights on making money management fun and effective for our kids.
Scott’s mission is to shift our focus from simply handing down an inheritance to teaching our kids to be wise, responsible, and think like entrepreneurs. He’s providing insights on how we can help them understand the value of money and guide them toward making value-driven decisions with their wealth. We’re essentially setting the stage for them to make a difference, not just earn a paycheck.
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Are you truly passionate and excited about your life, or do you often feel like you’re just going through the motions and ticking days off your calendar?
It’s a question that can eat away at us if we don’t take steps to improve our mindset and our approach to life, leaving us to wonder if we’re meant for more.
That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to today’s guest, John R. Miles. John is the author of the new book, Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life. John’s expertise is in leading and coaching people to reach their peak.
In this episode, John shares six game-changing behaviors you can apply today that will radically alter your approach to daily living. These practices are designed to do more than just modify surface-level habits; they’re a blueprint for a complete life transformation.
If you make these practices part of your daily routine, you’ll find that you’ll start each day with energy and enthusiasm for what lies ahead and pursue a life of deep purpose and passion.
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What is the superpower of our time? Well, according to today’s guest, Jon Berghoff, it is the ability to facilitate transformational experiences that help individuals and groups tap into their full potential.
Jon is considered to be one of the best in the world at this and is now teaching it to others. In fact, he’s paid as much as $250,000 to design and facilitate transformational experiences for organizations that include BMW, Facebook, TEDx, Keller Williams, Vitamix, Microsoft, Nike, and HP.
He’s also the person I trust to lead our community (he ran all my in-person events for 6 years). If you want to make a bigger impact in the world, today’s episode is for you. This superpower Jon teaches can enable you to quickly scale both your income and your impact.
Jon is founder and creator of the XCHANGE Approach, and his work is a true game-changer in the world of coaching, consulting, and entrepreneurship. In today’s episode, Jon introduces you to his roadmap for amplifying your impact and your income by bringing out the best in the people you influence and lead.
P.S. Jon is hosting a free interactive and experiential XCHANGE workshop for the Miracle Morning community on February 15th, 2024. He’ll lead you through How to Multiply Your Impact by Leading Transformational Group Experiences. It’s a fantastic opportunity you won’t want to miss, so make sure to book your spot by visiting XchangeApproach.com/tmm2024 today!
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If you’ve ever thought of starting a business or taking an existing one to the next level, how many times have you caught yourself saying, “I’m not ready yet,” or “I just don’t have enough time/money to make it happen”? There are countless people out there who’ve let their dreams slip away without even dipping their toes in to try.
In today’s episode, I’m joined by Noah Kagan. Noah is the CEO of the $80 million dollar company, AppSumo and author of the new book, Million Dollar Weekend.
He’s launched seven multimillion-dollar businesses and was even a part of the early teams at Facebook and Mint. And he’s here to give a crash course on how to start a million-dollar business in a single weekend. Literally.
You’ll learn what it takes to make that daunting first step that trips up so many people. Noah even breaks down how to test drive your dream in 48 hours to see if it can be profitable and then maps out how to turn that ambitious idea into a million-dollar venture.
But this isn’t just about starting a business or launching a side hustle. It’s about creating the life you always wanted, free from the shackles of “what ifs” and regrets. So, whatever your dream is, this is an episode that could change everything for you.
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In a world where negativity often takes center stage, do you ever struggle with maintaining an optimal mindset? It’s crucial to remember that we ultimately have control over our mental and emotional well-being, and learning how to take control of our mindset can help us thrive, even in the darkest of challenges.
That’s why I’m excited to share this conversation with the one of the world’s leading mindset experts, Jon Gordon, author of The ONE Truth. In today’s episode, Jon shares a powerful mindset shift that will transform how you approach your day-to-day existence.
Instead of being overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, Jon teaches us how to take control of our story, becoming proactive heroes in our own lives. You’ll learn how to actively engage with the world, replacing passivity and loneliness with purposeful action and meaningful connections.
This is a call to action for each of us to awaken our inner strength and lead lives that are not only fulfilling but living examples of positivity and courage.
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Do you have a fitness goal for 2024? Personally, I want to increase my strength and stamina, but ever since I went through cancer/chemo, I’ve struggled with chronic fatigue.
Thankfully, I recently discovered REHIIT (Reduced Exertion High Intensity Interval Training) technology, and I’m able to get a full workout in just 8 minutes with only two 10-second sprints. I use a special exercise biked called a CAROL Bike.
I’ve been loving the workout so much that today I’m bringing on the CEO and co-founder of CAROL Bike, Ulrich Dempfle, for a fascinating conversation about the science behind REHIIT technology.
During today’s episode, you’ll learn the #1 reason why 95% of Americans experience poor cardiovascular health, what REHIIT technology is and why gets you fittest the fastest, how it can add years to your life, and why I’m absolutely hooked!
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There's no question that many of you out there saw the survey I sent earlier this week. Thank you to everyone who responded! The results are in, and the #1 topic that 78.2% of our beautiful community is looking for help with in 2024 is mindset. (mental and emotional well-being)
So today, not only will I share the results from the survey, but I'll also outline the seven (7) attributes and three (3) strategies to cultivate your miracle mindset.
While reviewing the survey results, I was reminded that you never know what someone else may be going through. Everyone has something that they're either battling or working on. This episode is dedicated to all of you, and I hope these strategies will help improve your mindset in the new year and mental and emotional well-being.
Lastly, I've heard from several members of the Miracle Morning community who are looking to write a book this year, and I have great news! My good friend, Chandler Bolt, is hosting a new book publishing session on January 16th. If you'd like to sign up, you can register by visiting SelfPublishing.com/Hal
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We often think of success as accolades and accomplishments (and that’s part of it), but true success is a spiritual pursuit. It’s not just about earning more money or achieving new goals; it’s about enjoying the journey, making an impact, feeling fulfilled, and living in alignment with the person you aspire to become.
As we jump into 2024, many people in our community are making resolutions and planning out the year. So, I thought it may be helpful to take a closer look at the word “success” and what that really means.
In this episode, I also walk you through Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and expand upon each to share my own insights and experiences. I hope this episode will help you become a better version of yourself and expand your perspective to live a more meaningful life and accomplish any future goals you set for 2024 and beyond!
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In today’s world, many people are paralyzed by fear and self-doubt and barely scratch the surface of their potential. It’s easy to feel stuck in those moments, but there’s always hope. Joining me for this conversation about conquering fears is my dear friend, the fabulous Brianna Greenspan.
An early adopter of the Miracle Morning, Brianna has become its leading advocate, touching the lives of tens of thousands of teachers and students across the country and 500,000 people through the Miracle Morning Clubhouse Room.
In this episode, Brianna shares her awe-inspiring journey. She hit a rough patch where things looked bleak - losing her ability to walk and struggling with reading and writing. You’ll learn how practicing the SAVERS helped her slowly regain her self-confidence and bounce back stronger than ever.
The big takeaway from her experience? It’s not about erasing our problems. It’s about how we stand up after a fall, stronger, more resilient, and ready to unlock possibilities we never knew existed. That’s the kind of power each of us has within, and Brianna is living proof of that.
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Last week we hosted The Miracle Year Live Virtual Event and it was a huge success! As we say farewell to 2023, many people start looking ahead to the new year and ask themselves, "How can I make the most of 2024?" That's exactly what we're diving into with today's episode.
Today, following up on The Miracle Year event to dive deeper into three tools that I’ve used for years to make each year the best year of my life. I'll also guide you through two critical decisions that will transform your wildest dreams into inevitable outcomes. You'll learn how to keep your faith even in the most challenging times and consistently show up at your best every day, whether you feel like it or not.
The best part? If you commit to using these tools each and every day, you won't just be prepping for a great year; you'll be setting the stage for 2024 to be your best year ever. So, let's do this together and create miracles in 2024!
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Just a quick reminder before we dive into today’s episode that the Miracle Year Live Virtual Event is happening on December 14, 2023 from 10am-12pm CT. There’s still time to book your spot. Just visit: Miracle Year Live Virtual Event
Everyone has days when rolling out of bed feels like the biggest challenge. On those days, making progress toward our goals can feel daunting and overwhelming. However, there is a way to navigate through this.
Today, I’m going to dig into how to find ways to push forward and make progress to achieve your goals when you’re struggling. And it’s not about ignoring feelings of doubt and uncertainty. Those feelings are part of the package.
It’s about acknowledging when those negative thoughts emerge and holding onto the belief that things will work out. Understand that the real magic happens when we realize it’s the small steps we take every day, no matter how we feel, that adds up to some pretty remarkable results over time.
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Before we dive into today’s podcast episode, I just want to remind you that (if you haven’t already), this is your last week to pre-order my NEW book, The Miracle Morning Updated and Expanded Edition, and get $199 in life-changing bonuses. I hope the new book renews your energy toward creating the best life you can!
In a world where we are constantly overwhelmed with more to do than we have time to do it, staying focused on what really matters can be extremely challenging. We’re all trying to juggle too many things at once, dealing with crazy schedules and commitments that keep stacking up.
In today’s episode, I’m going to help you regain your focus by identifying (3) of the most important areas of life to invest your time and energy into RIGHT NOW. We’re going to consider WHY these are crucial and then I’ll walk you through HOW to implement each one immediately.
By applying these practices daily, you’ll show up as the best version of yourself and feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually better. Most importantly, you’ll be empowered to build a better future for yourself and your loved ones.
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If you’ve ever struggled with sleep (or you’re struggling now), it can have devastating consequences on your mental and emotional well-being, and I know this from personal experience. In 2020, I was averaging 2-4 hours a night of sleep, and I wanted to die. Literally.
Thankfully, I was able to solve my sleep problems, with the help of today’s guest, Dr. Michael Breus (AKA The Sleep Doctor). I called him for advice, and he is with us today to talk about optimizing your sleep routine. Michael is a clinical psychologist with over twenty years in the sleep game. He's been a life-saver, helping me beat insomnia and get my sleep back on track.
And today, Michael’s here to share his expertise and routines that will transform your sleep. He’s going to walk you through creating an ideal nighttime routine, one that sets you up for the most rejuvenating sleep you've ever had.
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What are you looking forward to this week? Personally, my mom is flying into town and my family will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday! I cherish this time of year because I love gathering around the dinner table and eating home-cooked meals with the people I love.
But what about after the holidays—how can we sustain healthy eating habits and turn mealtime into quality time with our families?
To help answer that question, I’m excited to welcome back Shawn Stevenson to the podcast, a true pioneer in transforming how we think about our eating habits with our families. He is the voice behind the country's #1 health podcast, The Model Health Show, and the author of The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook, which has transformed how I think about mealtime with my family.
Today, you’ll hear Shawn talk about the profound impact of family meals on our health and overall well-being. Because it’s not just about the foods we eat. It’s about creating lasting, joyful experiences with our families, crafting a legacy of health and happiness that will resonate for generations to come.
He also shares some of his best tips for cooking meals that are not just nutritious but downright delicious, rivaling even the most tempting junk food.
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When we think of millionaires, our minds usually drift to sprawling mansions, lavish lifestyles, and fancy cars. But today, I'm thrilled to share this conversation with someone who completely redefines that word: Giovanni Marsico.
Giovanni is a three-time Emmy award-winning filmmaker whose films will inspire you to access more of your potential. His last film, Dreamer, captivated over 100,000 viewers during its premiere week. And now, he's back, with his latest masterpiece, “HERO” which you can watch for FREE for a limited time (this week only) at TheHeroMovie.com.
On today’s podcast, Giovanni shares his unique perspective on why a millionaire’s work should be measured by the number of lives they've touched and transformed. He shares the secrets that separate dreamers from those who actually achieve monumental feats and shares how he went from being insecure, overweight, and depressed to achieving his wildest dreams so that you can do the same.
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Today, I’m SO excited to bring Brian Johnson back on the podcast to talk about his newly released book (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite books of all time!), Areté: Activate Your Heroic Potential.
To say, “Brian is brilliant” is an understatement! He has an extraordinary ability to distill the knowledge and insights of the most brilliant minds in the world—past and present—to provide you with a blueprint for becoming the best version of yourself.
Brian integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools to help you win the ultimate game of life and fulfill your potential. When so many of us are feelings overwhelmed and even hopelessness, I hope you’ll find inspiration to keep going and pursue your dreams and goals from this conversation. Enjoy!
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Have you ever found that when you need help the most, ironically, asking for help is the most difficult? Many people feel overwhelmed, ashamed, or embarrassed, and it’s those feelings that prevent us from getting help when we really need it.
Today, I’m sharing tips to help you ask for help with confidence. I’ll walk you through four simple steps to push past those nagging thoughts of bothering someone or worrying about looking weak and vulnerable.
By the end of this episode, my goal is to equip you with the tools to reach out and ask for help. On top of that, I hope you’ll realize it's also about giving someone that loves you and cares about you an opportunity to step up and be there when you need it most.
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In today's economy, it's no surprise that many people are feeling uneasy about their financial future. From worrying about paying next month's bills to doubts about retirement, financial stability seems more like a dream than a guarantee.
As these concerns become a daily reality for many, there's a growing need for clarity and direction to navigate the economic uncertainty. Today’s guest, Garrett Gunderson, cuts through the financial fog, revealing how to make and retain wealth while thoroughly enjoying the journey.
Garrett's approach flips the script on traditional financial advice. Rather than merely weathering economic downturns, you’ll learn how to seize them as opportunities. Most importantly, you’ll learn the principles for creating a life so fulfilling and rich that retirement will seem unnecessary.
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While no one can claim that one person's tragedy is worse than another's, most of us would agree that the pain of losing a child is unimaginable and the deepest fear of any parent. Coping with that loss is hard enough. But to channel such profound grief into positive action requires extraordinary courage, patience, and love.
Those are virtues that today’s guest, Granger Smith, embodies perfectly. Granger is a legendary country music artist and author of Like a River: Finding the Faith and Strength to Move Forward After Lose and Heartache, a tribute to his late son, River Kelly Smith.
In today’s episode, Granger teaches us that pain can be the catalyst for unity and growth - a lesson our world desperately needs now more than ever. He takes us on a journey of hope, love, and strength, even in the face of immense suffering.
If you’re coping with the loss of a loved one or going through some level of darkness in your life, let this episode be a beacon of hope.
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Ever since 2020, I have become increasingly aware of how fragile our food supply system is. My wife and I made the decision to start growing our own food and raising chickens, something that we had seen our neighbor do on a ¼ acre lot and we figured, if they can do it, we can do it!
That’s why I’m excited to be chatting with Jill Winger, author of Old-Fashioned on Purpose: Cultivating a Slower, More Joyful Life. Over the past 10 years, Jill has helped thousands of families learn how to grow their own food, ditch the grocery store, and live the Old-Fashioned on Purpose lifestyle.
Similar to how the Miracle Morning shakes up our daily routine, Jill’s approach shakes up our entire relationship with food and self-sufficiency. You’ll learn how to embrace a producer’s mindset, the magic of growing our own food, and the importance of reconnecting with our environment.
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Procrastination is something that most people deal with from time to time. It can sneak up on you when life gets busy because it’s easier to push something to the next day instead of tackling it and crossing it off your list.
And I couldn’t be more excited to share this conversation with my good friend, Rob Dial. He’s the mastermind behind the #1 podcast on mindset and motivation which has been downloaded over $250M times called, The Mindset Mentor. He also has a new book titled, Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life.
Today, Rob shares his blueprint for building a life where fears or what-ifs do not hold you back. You’ll learn how to stay driven and focused to chase your biggest goals - even on those days when you don’t feel like it - and upgrade your life.
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Human nature is to be selfish, but the more you focus on adding value to the lives of others, both personally and professionally, the more valuable you become to those you serve. Those little acts of kindness can nurture your relationships, give you a sense of purpose, and even open unexpected doors in your career.
Today's guest, Kristin Brindley, has enjoyed incredible success with this mindset and is a living example of what’s possible for YOU. Not only has she overcome a battle with cancer, but she’s a hall of fame business achiever, has started and scaled multiple 6-figure companies, and is the #1 publisher for Real Producers Magazine.
You’ll also hear how she integrates the Miracle Morning S.A.V.E.R.S. into her daily routines and the difference that it’s made in her life and for the more than 3,000 people she’s gifted the book to (namely, her mom).
More than anything, I believe you’ll be inspired by the heart of a servant, someone who dedicates her life to uplifting others, and you’ll learn powerful principle that you can apply to your own life.
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If you find yourself obsessing over things that could go wrong at any given moment, where you’re living in fear of worst-case scenarios, this episode is for you.
Today, I’m sharing a transformative two-step method I’ve personally relied on whenever I find myself bogged down by those pesky, pessimistic thoughts that cause me stress and keep me up at night.
But this isn’t just about managing stress or pushing away negative thoughts. It’s about rewriting your internal narrative. You’ll learn how to face the negativities head-on, but with an open mind and heart. By the end, you’ll be able to replace that narrative with one rooted in love, abundance, and an empowering “I’ve got this!” mindset.
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Ever noticed that when you’re struggling in certain areas (finances, relationships, etc.), you can get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions, and suddenly it feels like nothing is going your way?
What if you can change that narrative? In today’s episode, I’m sharing the three steps I use to instantly shift my perspective to feel better about my life. These steps improved not only my mental well-being but also my relationships with my friends, my wife, and my children.
But it’s not about turning a blind eye to life's challenges. It’s about choosing a lens of optimism and love to view them through. I genuinely believe that if you apply this strategy to your daily life, you’ll allow yourself to experience more happiness, growth, and transformation each and every day.
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To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit MiracleMorning.com/499
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To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.