
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod is a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level. Subscribe to the podcast and get a new episode every Wednesday.
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Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod












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Apr 6, 2022

Michael O’Brien’s last bad day was July 11th, 2001. Riding his bike in New Mexico, he was hit head on by an SUV traveling 40 miles per hour and left crippled on the side of the road. 

“I remember the sound of me hitting his grill… the thud I made as I crashed onto the asphalt below, and the screech of his brakes.”

Wanting to make the best of the situation, Michael promised himself that if he survived, he’d stop trying to chase happiness and begin truly enjoying every day—a profound lesson we can all learn from.

In today’s episode, Michael shares the story of what happened on his last bad day and how he reframed his situation over the course of several months to heal his mind and body. We dive into how he discovered Pause-Breathe-Reflect meditation, what his daily practice looks like, and how you can immediately begin applying his mindset to your life.


  • How changing the conversations we have with ourselves helps us become more compassionate when we talk with others.
  • Why Michael had to shift his mindset to truly heal after his accident–and how the day of his injury became his last bad day.
  • Why all events in our lives are neutral until we label them–and how Michael processes bad, angry, and sad moments in his life without letting them define his experience.
  • Why Michael does something monumental on the anniversary of his injury every year–and why he’s going on a 4,300 mile bike ride from Astoria, Oregon to Yorktown, Virginia this summer.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Mar 30, 2022

If you’re someone who meditates, your practice probably entails taking 10-20 minutes out of your busy day to sit in silence.

Does that time give you a sense of peace, calm, and clarity? Most likely—for those 20 minutes.

But what happens when you end your meditation? Do you continue to go through your day with those same levels of peace, calm, and clarity? Or do you become reactive to the outside forces and succumb to your inner turmoil?

Meditation will get you nowhere. Meditativeness will give you the keys to your inner kingdom. The unserious man puts in his obligatory 20 minutes of meditation, in order to fulfill his daily quota, but the one who is truly serious transforms every single thing that he does into a meditation. In short, he becomes meditative.” —Kapil Gupta

In today’s episode, I’m excited to start by reading a short chapter from the book, Atmamun: The Path to Achieving the Bliss of the Himalayan Swamis and the Freedom of a Living God, written by Kapil Gupta, MD, and then sharing how I implement it, including asking a simple but powerful question that you can begin using immediately.

You’ll learn how to reframe your world, approach every moment of your life in a meditative state—and discover how it feels to live in a heightened state of being and awareness.


  • Why meditating to fulfill a daily quota doesn’t permanently eliminate stressors.
  • What meditation is really about and why it doesn’t work for the overwhelming majority of people who practice it.
  • How emotional optimization meditation works and why it’s one of my favorite forms of meditation.
  • The question my former coach asked me that unlocked the door to inner freedom.
  • How approaching everything from a meditative state brings joy to everything you do.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Mar 23, 2022

From time to time, we all tend to settle for less than we truly want and are capable of, at least in some areas of our life. Today we’re going to explore how to identify which areas you’re settling in, what’s causing you to settle, and then commit to taking simple actions that will move you forward and set a course for a Level 10 life. About six months ago, as I was journaling, I realized that I was settling for mediocrity in some of the most important areas of my life. I assessed my health, my finances, my marriage, my role as a parent, and my happiness. I felt like I was just going through the motions and stuck in a rut. So, I asked myself, “Where am I?” “Why am I settling for less?” and “What can I do to immediately move me from mediocrity to mastery in the most important areas of my life?”

Today, I’m sharing a very vulnerable entry from my own journal, revealing my self-coaching process, and inviting you to improve your own life. Be prepared not just to listen and take notes, but to take action.


  • Why calling yourself or someone else mediocre isn’t judgmental.
  • How and why I rated myself at different levels across my life in my assessment.
  • Questions you can ask yourself and tools you can use to assess where you’re excelling and where you may be mediocre.
  • How I took my performance from mediocre to masterful in my past.
  • The powerful affirmation you can use to chart a course to mastery right now.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Mar 16, 2022

What if you could be completely in control of what you think, how you feel, and what you do? I mean, wouldn’t that kind of be the ultimate superpower!?

Consider that you do have that power. When you change your perspective, it changes the way you think, the way you feel, and the actions you take, which enables you to change your life. Thus, the key to changing your life begins with changing your perspective.

If you spend your time focused on your perceived inadequacies or things that upset you, it affects how you feel, how you treat yourself, and how you show up every day. This is especially true when you are facing stressful times.

On the other hand, when you consciously optimize your perspective, you optimize your life, and you give yourself the power to show up optimally for yourself, for the people you love, and for humanity.

Today’s episode is all about how to choose the perspectives that will empower you to be at your best, even when faced with hard times, misfortune, and challenges. You’ll learn how to stop negative emotions from controlling how your brain and body feel, the value of focusing on positivity even as you endure difficulty, and how to see the gift and the beauty inherent to every struggle.


  • Why perspective makes all the difference when we’re facing adversity.
  • Why negative emotions are valuable—and how to feel them in a useful, productive way.
  • How to choose a perspective that empowers you no matter what.
  • What I do when I find myself stressed out or frustrated about something beyond my control.
  • Why you have a 100% success rate of surviving everything you will ever face.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Mar 9, 2022

Last week, my good friend Mike Dillard sent out an email where he analyzed the tumultuous events happening across the world right now. As war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, he wrote powerfully about how we got here, the breakdown of our supply chains, and he shared 10 Ways We Can Prepare for What’s Coming.

Today, I’m reading Mike’s email, from top to bottom, and sharing my commentary along the way. While some of these topics are controversial, possibly scary, and very concerning, my goal is to uplift you and make you feel more empowered by giving you steps you can take now to be prepared for whatever may come our way.

Mike’s writing can feel intense at times and may seem like a departure from the usual tone of this podcast, but it comes from a place of love, care, and concern. I consider all of us to be family, and like any family, I believe we should look out for each other. Even if everything in this episode doesn’t resonate with you, my hope is that you find at least a few significant take-aways that add value to your life.


  • Why shortages in farming supplies, paper, plastic, and virtually everything else are all but guaranteed to impact our lives.
  • What you can do to ensure you’ll have access to food, clean water, and backup power–and be able to protect yourself–in the event of a full-on attack on our resources and infrastructure.
  • Why there’s no reason to stop living and enjoying your life right now.
  • Why now’s a great time to create as many sources of passive income as possible.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Mar 2, 2022

Do you ever struggle with your significant other, or with any of the other important relationships in your life (family, friends, co-workers, etc.)?

Today’s episode is designed to empower you from the perspective that it only takes ONE person to transform a relationship,  a concept that I first learned from Stacey & Paul Martino, co-authors of The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship.

In other words, the key to having a successful relationship has much less to do with the other person, and almost everything to do with how you choose to perceive and treat them. Your perception informs your behavior, and both create your reality.


  • How to transform any relationship by altering your perception.
  • The affirmations I read every day to optimize my marriage and how I feel about my wife.
  • My most up-to-date process for creating effective affirmations.
  • How to turn relationship struggles into an opportunity to grow and evolve as a person.
  • Tools you can use to reprogram your nervous system and subconscious mind to improve your relationships and show up for the people you care about, even in tough times.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Feb 23, 2022

Are you familiar with Daybreaker?

Seven years ago, my friend Brianna Greenspan asked me if I was familiar with it (which I wasn’t). She said, “It’s amazing! It’s like a LIVE Miracle Morning!” and she described it as a 3-hour experiential event that combines a high energy dance party with meditation, yoga, affirmations, and more.

Needless to say, I was intrigued! :^)

So, I reached out to the founder and CEO, Radha Agrawal, in the hopes that we might explore ways in which we could collaborate. Little did I know, she was an extraordinary entrepreneur who was making a huge impact. She’s built and sold multiple 9-figure businesses, toured with Oprah, and has a Daybreaker community of over 500,000 people around the world.

Today, I am very excited to bring Radha onto the podcast (for her 2nd time) so we can make an exciting announcement together about how DAYBREAKER will immediately begin integrating The Miracle Morning into their upcoming events – and you’re invited to experience it in person!

BTW, If you’re interested in attending an upcoming event on the Daybreaker world tour and being one of the first to experience this Miracle Morning integration, you can see their tour schedule at Be sure to use the code MIRACLEMORNING to get 10 percent off your ticket and a free membership to “Daybreaker Plus”, their online platform for daily practice.


  • Radha’s C.R.A.W.L. method that helped her turn her ideas into reality, which you can use to do the same.
  • What Radha has learned from her experiences building, selling, and sometimes failing with 9 start-ups over the course of her career.
  • How Daybreaker events use the energy of nightlife to optimize you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • How Daybreaker pivoted to virtual events over the course of the COVID pandemic to keep the dance alive in hearts and souls when they needed it most.
  • How you can make the Miracle Morning and Daybreaker practices part of your daily rituals and routines.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Feb 16, 2022

Right now, the collective consciousness of humanity is facing major challenges. As a society, many of us struggle with our fears of the future and the unknown, as well as our tendencies to judge other people, and people are divided.

To make matters worse, our media and our government perpetuate these divisions, which engenders and intensifies conflict among us.

This is what makes the Miracle Morning Mission—to elevate the consciousness of humanity, one morning at a time—so important. Though it may sound like a catch phrase, it’s something that has real, practical application not just for us as individuals, but also for all of us as members of humanity.

Today, I want to expand on and talk more about that mission and how it impacts you. You’ll learn why it’s a literal mission (not just a tagline), what it really means, how it informs our actions every day, and some of the things we’re doing right now to share the Miracle Morning with the 7+ billion people who have yet to discover it.


  • How the Miracle Morning helps us do the inner work that will elevate human consciousness.
  • Why I took a six-month sabbatical to move my family to the country—and what I learned about my anxiety and fear along the way.
  • What to do when you lose control of your consciousness—and how to stop your ego from getting the best of you.
  • What I learned from falling 987,000 copies short of my goal of selling 1 million books of The Miracle Morning in the first year.
  • New ways that you can connect with the Miracle Morning Community, including the Miracle Morning Clubhouse room, the Miracle Morning for Schools, and the Miracle Morning Art of Affirmations.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Feb 9, 2022

While we may not all openly identify as “addicts,” we are all in some way addicted to something that is detrimental to us in ways that we often don’t recognize. It could be drugs, food, social media, work habits, exercise, yelling, destructive thought patterns, or something else. Whatever it is, we are all prone to becoming addicted to things that don't serve us.  

This has never been more true than it is right now. For the last two years, the pandemic has forced us into isolation, allowing addictions to subtly creep in and using them in an attempt to numb us during our most vulnerable moments.

To talk about addiction and how it applies to all of us, I'm excited to speak to my friend Jesse Harless. Jesse is the CEO of Entrepreneurs in Recovery and the bestselling author of If Not You, Then Who? which Thrive Global named it one of the Top 10 Books That Will Take You from Surviving to Thriving in 2021.

In this powerful conversation, Jesse and I talk about the struggles that so many people face in the wake of the pandemic—and what to do if you or someone you know needs help.

(I also get vulnerable and share the addiction I’ve struggled with that I have never publicly shared before!)


  • The wake up call that changed the trajectory of Jesse’s life at 22.
  • How emotions can become addictive–and why so many people are struggling with isolation addiction right now.
  • How I developed an addiction to cannabis oil capsules on my cancer journey.
  • How the FEARS Recovery Toolkit helps people find purpose in the face of addiction.
  • What you should do if you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction right now.
  • How to start unpacking the trauma at the root of addictions.
  • What Jesse is doing to facilitate high-level conversations in the addiction, recovery, and mental health space.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Feb 2, 2022

I mentioned this in an email I sent you on Monday (Subject Line: Your Community Needs YOU Now More Than Ever), and today I’m delivering a podcast to you on this topic.

As a society and as human beings, we’re facing unprecedented challenges. Like never before, people are disconnected, lonely, divided, and prone to conflict. In this moment, however, we have the power to step up and lead our communities—our families, our workplaces, our clients, and humanity as a whole.

But what does it actually look like to become that leader for your community? To help me answer that question, I’m excited to welcome Jon Berghoff back to the podcast. In today’s conversation, Jon and I walk you through powerful frameworks he uses to help leaders, entrepreneurs, and even companies like BMW unlock their collective wisdom—and how you can use them in your own life and work today.

You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about the FREE Workshop that Jon will be hosting for our community on February 9th, to dive even deeper into this topic. If you’d like to find out more and sign up, click here.


  • Why people are so hungry for leadership right now.
  • Why our brains react badly when the world changes faster than we can adapt.
  • How an inner practice gives you the power to best serve your people, create meaningful connections, and have an impact.
  • How to use the frameworks Jon has designed to encourage learning, collaboration, and positive interactions in groups.
  • Why you have to be exclusive in order to be inclusive.
  • What you can expect from our upcoming training on February 9th.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Jan 26, 2022

Through social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we have the opportunity to share ideas, help one another, and give each other inspiration like never before.

In this episode–a social media mashup of sorts–I’m excited to expand upon some of the best advice from my most recent social posts. The topics I talk about today were picked based on the posts that got the most engagement from our community.


  • Why wisdom presents itself during periods of silence and gives us the power to find insights and achieve breakthroughs.
  • How to stop wishing you were further ahead in life and start enjoying every moment.
  • The power of choosing to stand for your values unconditionally.
  • The daily affirmation I use to manage my fear and stop worrying.
  • How to love and serve people no matter what they believe in or what side they take on any issue.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Jan 19, 2022

I used to listen to music just for the sound. If I loved the beat, someone’s voice, or a rhythm, that’s all I needed. But over the last five years, I’ve started to care just as much about lyrics as the melodies—and it’s made me much more grateful for the powerful messaging in conscious music.

My guest today is Rob Riccardo, who is literally one of my favorite musicians of all time! His lyrics uplift and inspire me. They have the power to elevate my consciousness and have helped me through life’s most difficult moments, including my struggles with depression.

Rob is a deep, thoughtful, and enlightened individual. It was fascinating to get to talk with him, hear his journey, and learn more about the way he’s approached music and life—especially as he’s navigated the pandemic over the last two years.

You’re going to walk away from this episode with a refreshed mindset around living in the present moment and accepting happiness into your life—even if reality is different than what you imagined!


  • Rob shares his creative process and where the inspiration for his uplifting songs come from.
  • Why we all have so much more in common than we think we do.
  • How Rob rediscovered his love for music, after not playing for 5-years straight.
  • How to silence the voice in your head that tells you that your creative work isn’t good enough and find the confidence to share your message.
  • Why the fantasy we imagine is almost always better than the reality when we arrive—and why nothing beats the present moment!
  • If you can’t learn to be happy with what you have now, what makes you think that you’ll know how to be happy with what you think you want in the future?
  • When we focus on things that are out of our control, we feel out of control. Find out what to do instead!
  • The power of setting goals without getting attached to the results.
  • How to navigate the challenges in your life with curiosity and an ever-shifting mindset.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Jan 12, 2022

A mentor of mine once told me, “Set your life to consistent rhythms—it’s the only way to freedom.” Once you’ve set your goals, how do you set yourself up with consistent rhythms to achieve them? What are the rituals and routines that will enable you to succeed, and how do you schedule them into your day?

Last week, we talked about living life in a rhythm of 30-day challenges to consistently improve individual aspects of your life, month after month.

In today’s episode, I’m following that up with a deep dive into how creating the appropriate rituals and routines for your goals makes achieving them A LOT easier. Not only is this one of the easiest ways to achieve your goals, but you'll learn how to make this approach a part of your daily practice AND stick with it!


  • How a 30-day challenge allows you to make a habit automatic—and what makes the first 10 days of adopting any new habit so difficult.
  • Why I have to organize my life into daily routines to achieve my goal—and how this helps me stay productive despite severe ADHD and memory struggles.
  • How to create a foundational schedule that incorporates all my daily activities, routines, and rituals while giving myself free time and space for my family.
  • What my own daily routines and rituals look like—and why I don’t get bored doing (and eating) the same foods almost every day.
  • How to give yourself freedom and flexibility while adhering to a strict, preprogrammed schedule.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Jan 5, 2022

Is there any aspect of your life that you'd like to improve, transform, and take to the next level within the next month?

I've become a big fan of 30-day challenges, as they've helped me up-level my life in all kinds of different areas, including parenting, marriage, health, spirituality, finances, business, and more.

Each month I intentionally choose one area of my life that I want to take to the next level and get hyper focused on improving it. For 30 days, I focus my attention, time, energy, creativity, and my Miracle Morning on that one area.

Today, I want to teach you exactly how I do it. I break down my entire process, so you can take action and make significant steps towards improving your life, in a relatively short amount of time (you know, 30 days). :^)


  • The value of measuring our lives based on how we show up every day.
  • Why every challenge feels like a trudge through the mud at first—and how to find your flow, get clarity, and get in the zone.
  • Some examples of habits or goals that could serve as your first monthly mission.
  • How to clarify and affirm your mission by defining your action steps and demonstrating why it matters.
  • A practical example of what a 30-day challenge looks like as part of your S.A.V.E.R.S.

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Dec 29, 2021

I don’t know about you, but I’m much more effective when I keep things simple (and easy to remember). :^)

In 2022, I’m using a 3-letter strategy to guide me. These three letters are something I can remember every day and serve as my North Star to handle any challenges I’m faced with and continue making progress toward my most important goals. Like the S.A.V.E.R.S, these three letters are easy to remember, stick to, and implement every single day.

Today, I’m excited to start by giving you an overview of what we discussed in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. I then let you in on my 3-letter strategy to achieve success in 2022 and beyond!


  • Why it doesn’t make sense to measure your emotional well-being based on what’s out of your control.
  • The A-B-C Formula for Making Success Simple in 2022
  • Why resistance is the source of all emotional pain, how acceptance serves as the antidote, and why this is not the same thing as resignation.
  • The many forms of gratitude–and how to stay grateful, even in the face of adversity.
  • Four simple steps you can take to make daily progress toward your goals–and why none of these goals need to be monumental to make a difference.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Dec 22, 2021

Today, we continue with part 3 of our 4-part series on making 2022 your best year ever. If you haven’t heard Part 1 or Part 2, I definitely recommend that you go back and listen.

In today’s episode, I introduce you to what I call “inverted goals.” Unlike a traditional goal which focuses on a predetermined outcome (e.g., I want to lose 10lbs), an inverted goal focuses on a predetermined process (e.g., exercise 5 days per week).

Which predetermined processes (activities, habits, rituals, and routines) will you commit to this year that will move you toward the outcomes you want to achieve?

Essentially, inverted goals are the goals that lead you to the outcome that you want to accomplish. Today, you’ll learn exactly when and how I use this approach to goal setting, so you can incorporate it in your approach to make 2022 your best year yet!


●     How inverted goals help you focus on habits, rituals, and routines rather than obsessing over the results.

●     How to clarify your mission and enjoy every moment—and why this isn’t about being happy, excited, or positive all the time.

●     Why inverted goals allow you to experience joy no matter what’s going on in your life.

●     How inverted goals lead you to bigger results and allow you to succeed every single day.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Dec 15, 2021

Last week, I shared "An Unconventional Way to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever" and the premise of that episode was to measure your Best Year through a new paradigm, and that paradigm was based on the one thing you have complete control of: How you show up everyday. We broke that into two aspects: Your MINDSET and your BEHAVIORS.

Today's episode is about "Getting Your Mind Right" or more formally "Optimizing Your Mindset" for 2022, which is both crucial and precedes everything else—setting your goals, making plans for the new year, and following through.

If you're not in a good mindset, if you're experiencing perpetual states of stress or fear or anxiety or depression, if you're lacking self-confidence or feeling hopeless, it's going to hinder your ability to make 2022 a great year. 

Your quality of life begins and ends with your mindset. Your Best Year Ever begins and ends with your mindset. And you know what the best part about that is? You get to choose your mindset. 

Today, I want to help you Optimize Your Mindset for 2022, and then create your affirmations and guidelines. In this episode, (Part 2 of a 4-part series), I’ll be sharing five (5) actionable exercises you can implement to automatically shift your mindset.


  •  Celebrate your gains from 2021. Take your net positives from this year, put them down in writing, and document your accomplishments, the lessons you learned, and what you’re grateful for.
  • Clarify your optimal mindset and commit to it. Get clear on exactly how you want to feel, what mental and emotional qualities you want to embody, and what you want to focus your energy on.
  • Identify your mental obstacles and how you’ll overcome them. Identify what doesn’t serve you and whether or not there’s truth in it.
  • Brainstorm what you want to experience in 2022. Get in touch with what you want your life to be like and what you want to invite into your life in the new year.
  • Review and update your affirmations daily. Create a living document that evolves with you to commit to your mindset and the work you need to do to create and maintain it.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Dec 8, 2021

Today’s podcast is the first in a 4-part series, each designed to set you up to do everything in your power to make 2022 your best year yet. We’re beginning the series with an encore presentation of one of the highest rated episodes that I recorded for you last year, which will give you an “Unconventional Approach to Make This Your Best Year Yet” and set the stage for the next three episodes.

As we leave this year behind, I’m inviting you to consider entering 2022 with an unconventional paradigm—that creating the best year of your life has less to do with what you accomplish (your results) or what happens to you (your circumstance), and everything to do with how you choose to show up and experience each day.

I’m also going to give you some strategies that you can immediately begin implementing to make 2022 your best year yet, no matter how you choose to measure success.

And one more thing, I have a free gift for you! I had one of my favorite people in the world on the show a couple of weeks ago, Brian Johnson. He is giving away his summaries of over 600+ personal development and business books. No strings attached, it’s free! Just go to to get access to his amazing content.


  • Why having a good year or a bad year has less to do with your results and more to do with how you show up every day.
  • How a difficult year (see 2020/2021) can give you everything you need to become the person that you need to be to create everything else you want in life.
  • How to get clarity and set goals in eight different areas.
  • The value of unwavering faith and resilience.
  • The power of support and accountability networks - and how to find (or create) one.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Nov 29, 2021

How do you go from doing work that makes you money to doing work that fulfills you—and could even be called your dream job?

To help you answer this question I’m speaking with Ken Coleman. Ken is a career expert, as well as the host of The Ken Coleman Show, where he helps people discover not just what they were born to do, but how to turn their dream career into a reality. He explores this even further in his new book, Paycheck to Purpose, which I’m reading right now.

Today, Ken returns to the podcast to talk about how to love your craft, make a unique contribution to the world that only you can make, and his step-by-step process for bringing your work into alignment with your passion and mission.


  • Why the concept of a “dream job” has become such a cliche—and how bad jobs and our cynicism toward the idea of work hold us back.
  • Why there are more jobs, career paths, and dream jobs in the “sweet spot” than you probably think—and the connection between dream jobs and entrepreneurship.
  • The four major questions you can ask to make a plan to transform your career.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Nov 24, 2021

What was the first personal development book you ever read? How did it impact you? For me, it was How to Win Friends & Influence People when I was 19 years old. It introduced me to the concepts of personal growth and personal development. It kickstarted my first career and was the catalyst for my decision to dedicate myself to lifelong personal development.

My friend, Brian Johnson, embodies this at the highest level. He has read over 1,000 books related to philosophy and personal development. You may also remember Brian from The Miracle Morning Movie (he was the expert in the “Reading” scene), or you might know him as the creator of Philosopher’s Notes (where I first discovered him) or the founder of Optimize. Most recently, he is the founder and CEO of Heroic.

In this conversation, Brian and I share the most valuable lesson(s) we’ve learned from reading over 1,000 personal development books.

Key Takeaways

  • The book that changed Brian’s life when he was 21.
  • The single most valuable lesson that stands out more than any other from all the books Brian has read.
  • The value of what Brian calls “antifragile confidence” and why so many personal development junkies fail to make what they read part of their daily practice.
  • The value of living your life in 30-day challenges and installing habits that can run on autopilot.
  • How to get free access to 600 book summaries at

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Nov 17, 2021

We are all carrying some level of guilt, shame, or regret. We’ve all done things that aren’t in alignment with our values, or that we’d do differently now if given the opportunity.

We also carry some degree of hurt, anger, or resentment toward people who we believe wronged us.

What would life be like to live completely free from ALL this emotional turmoil? How can we release ourselves from the weight of those experiences that cause us pain? What can we do to stop reopening old wounds and triggering past traumas?

Today’s episode is all about forgiveness. It’s about forgiving yourself for the mistakes you’ve made in your own life, as well as for the hurt other people have caused you. In this conversation, I want to show you what it means to truly be forgiving, dissolve the emotional links holding you back, and face the world with a cleaner slate than ever before.

Key Takeaways

  • Why our past traumas can so easily haunt us, trigger us, and make us viscerally uncomfortable for years or even decades.
  • Why forgiveness is something we do for ourselves–not something that other people give us.
  • What makes regret a powerful teaching tool–and the benefits of making mistakes.
  • Why beating yourself up over things you’ve done in the past is all but valueless.
  • How to unlock the transcendent power of unconditional forgiveness.
  • Simple steps you can take right now to begin forgiving yourself.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Nov 10, 2021

I know this is a departure from topics I normally address on the podcast, but I hope you’ll listen and take this episode seriously, as well as read this email for more details and resources. I took the time to record this for you from a place of moral obligation. 

I don’t know if you’re aware, but we are experiencing a severe, unprecedented global supply chain crisis, and I’ve been researching and considering what this could mean for all of us. Specifically, there is a realistic possibility that we could experience food shortages in the relatively near future (this fall/winter). I’m talking about grocery stores and restaurants not being able to get food, and thus each of us having to rely on our own supply for an unknown length of time. 

After experiencing relatively minor food shortages when the pandemic hit (think empty grocery shelves and no toilet paper), and more extreme shortages here in Texas last winter during what was known as the “snow-pocalypse” (it was very difficult to find any meat at grocery stores), and now paying close attention to the current supply chains (I have friends in related industries who have confirmed it’s even worse than we’re being told), I encourage all of us to get at least a 30 day supply of food. Although being prepared for longer (2-6 months) wouldn’t hurt. 

As for what food to buy, if you Google “emergency food” you’ll get a bunch of unhealthy 25-year shelf life foods that are loaded with preservatives. But if you value eating healthy, I recommend simply ordering organic rice & beans, as well as mung beans that you can sprout (Google how to do that) - so that you can have “living” food that is also high in protein (7 grams of protein per 1 ounce). None of those are very expensive, even the organic stuff. I get all of the above on either Amazon or 

As for meat, I recommend stocking up now and if you can afford it, getting a deep freezer to store it in. My wife and I found a used one on Craigslist and also use it to freeze a good amount of organic vegetables. We also got a backup generator to power our fridge and freezer, in case we lose power like we did last winter in Texas, for 5 consecutive days. 

If you want more variety, you might also consider buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, freeze-dried fruits, and canned foods. Also, if you live in an area that experiences frozen pipes or power outages, stock up on bottled water and/or get a water filtration system like a Berkey filter (last year we also lost running water for 5 days). 

To be clear: I’m not advocating hoarding or panic buying. Consider that if we each buy a little bit more now, while supply chains are still in tact, and stock up on what we might need in an emergency situation, then if we reach an emergency situation, those who prepared in advance don’t have to go to the store and take food off of the shelves from those who weren’t prepared.

And BTW, I’m certainly not trying to scare you. That’s not my intention here. Preparation isn’t about becoming paranoid. Quite the opposite. It’s about knowing that you’ll be ready for whatever comes, rather than worrying about what might be. 

In this short episode, I explain what I’ve been doing to plan ahead, including actionable steps you can take and resources you can use to be prepared. Hopefully our supply chains get figured out, but I’d rather us all be safe than sorry/hungry. 🙏🏼❤

Key Takeaways

  • The two mantras I live by–and why I don’t see any value in sustained fear.
  • Why we may experience unprecedented food shortages this winter.
  • The longest-lasting, most affordable, healthiest food you can buy that isn’t loaded with preservatives.
  • The benefits of eating living food. 
  • Why I’m not advocating hoarding or panic buying–and how to help people who aren’t as well-prepped as you.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Nov 3, 2021

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to the authors of one of my all-time favorite books, Mathew Micheletti and Ashley Cottrell. Known worldwide as “The Yoga Couple” to their 500,000+ followers, they’re also the authors of a book that I haven’t stopped recommending since I read it: The Inner Work: An Invitation to True Freedom and Lasting Happiness. 

Their book astounded me. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. They’re experts in consciousness, learning how to interact with your significant other in ways that stop us from getting triggered, and changing our approach to life so that we experience True Freedom and Lasting Happiness. 

In this conversation, we take the teachings of Mat and Ash’s book, The Inner Work, and go even deeper, discovering new insights as we discuss how to apply their teachings in a world that couldn’t possibly be crazier, chaotic, or more uncertain.

Key Takeaways

  • What exactly the Inner Work is, why we should all be doing it, and how we can use this framework in our everyday lives.
  • How we can transform our view of reality using themes of consciousness.
  • Why yoga is so much more than physical poses, and the deep connection between yoga and inner freedom.
  • How yoga can be used to process trauma, make sense of anger, and reconnect with higher consciousness.
  • What you can do when your partner doesn’t want to embark on the same journey of self-improvement that you’re taking.
  • The beauty of letting go of expectations and resentment.
  • And so much more!

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Oct 27, 2021

Today, I’m bringing you a conversation with my dear friends, Mike & Lindsay McCarthy, who are also the co-authors for the two newest Miracle Morning books: 

The first is the Updated & Expanded 2nd edition of The Miracle Morning for Parents & Families (available on Amazon)

And the second... 

Is the brand new Miracle Morning for Parents & Families PLAYBOOK (also available on Amazon) which gives you seven (7) actionable Exercises & Worksheets to implement what you learn from the book, including:

  • Exercise #1: Your Family Bedtime Ritual Worksheet
  • Exercise #2: Your Family Miracle Morning Worksheet
  • Exercise #3: Your Family Values Worksheet
  • Exercise #4: Kids' S.T.A.R.R. Chart Worksheet
  • Exercise #5: Kids' Screen Time Contract Worksheet
  • Exercise #6: Your Family Goals Worksheet
  • Exercise #7: Your Family Meeting Agenda Worksheet

We believe that strong, healthy families are crucial to a healthy society. Thus, we are committed to elevating the consciousness of humanity by sharing the life-changing power of the Miracle Morning with as many parents and families as possible! 

In today’s conversation, we talk about what it means to parent with intention, what inspired their Family Playbook (and how to use it), and the systems, rhythms, and rituals that have helped them level up as parents.

Key Takeaways

  • Why entrepreneurs often struggle to bring their knowledge of leadership and teams home to their families.
  • How the McCarthys look at goals, family values and the definition of identity.
  •  What a McCarthy family dream session (or meeting) looks like—and how they stop these sessions from turning into bickering.
  • The three Ps of exceptional parenting.
  • The valuable conversations that Mike and Lindsay’s works opened up within their own family—and how they can help yours as well.

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Copyright © 2021 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

Oct 20, 2021

What would you do if you had no responsibilities? If you could get rid of your job, all of your bills, and not have to answer to anyone—how would you spend your days?

My friend and filmmaker, Nick Conedera (director of The Miracle Morning Movie) decided to answer that question for himself. He burned his possessions (literally), got rid of everything he owned, and spent three (3) years living in a van and traveling around the country. 

He tells the story of his journey in his brand new book, 70MPH: Grab the Wheel and Haul Ass to Your Dreams. I highly recommend picking up a copy. Nick is one of the best storytellers I know, and you won’t be disappointed!

Knowing how wise and insightful Nick is, I knew I needed to talk to him about his incredible adventure, and I assure you that his observations, insights, and perspectives are truly unique and highly valuable. 

Today, he joins me on the podcast to tell us what he learned that can help all of us to clarify our values and live in alignment with what matters most to each of us.

Key Takeaways

  • Why Nick decided to take a departure from his “normal life,” get rid of his belongings, and hit the open road.
  • The personal challenges that come with living in a van—and why we as humans are more than capable of adapting to them.
  • How living in a van helped Nick bring his existence into alignment with his values, find harmony with nature, and feel happier.
  • Why you don’t need to burn everything you own and move into a van to live in alignment with your values—and how to tell if it’s time to take a journey of your own.

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Connect with Hal Elrod

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