If there were no limits to what you could accomplish or experience in your life, what would you do? My guest today (one of the most fascinating individuals I have ever interviewed) has achieved goals beyond what most of us would even consider attempting (!) and is living proof that no dream is too big, and nothing is impossible.
In the last 10 years Ben Nemtin has achieved 91 extraordinary goals—from being a guest on Oprah Winfrey show to becoming a #1 New York Times bestselling author to having his own show on MTV to playing basketball at the Whitehouse with the President of the United States (plus 87 more) and has inspired millions of people to create their bucket lists and make their dreams come true.
Ben is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want To Do Before You Die and his brand new book/journal, the Bucket List Journal. In today’s conversation, we discuss the power of having a bucket list and actionable strategies for accomplishing things you thought were impossible.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
A couple of weeks ago, I shared one of the most impactful interviews I’ve ever done, as a guest on Cathy Heller’s podcast, Don't Keep Your Day Job. The response from our community was so overwhelmingly positive, that I invited Cathy to be a guest on my podcast. If you've yet to hear that episode, titled “A Fresh Perspective on The Miracle Morning,” you can listen to it here.
In today’s episode, Cathy and I have a fun, enlightening discussion about a variety of topics that affects all of us at some point. The one that stood out to me was our discussion about “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.” If you’ve ever felt like you weren’t special, worthy, deserving, or capable of creating everything you want for your life, this episode is for you.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Do you love what you do for a living? Or do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled and wishing you were doing something else? A global poll conducted by Gallup sheds a disturbing light on this topic:
“With only 21% of employees engaged at work and 33% of employees thriving in their overall wellbeing, most would say that they don't find their work meaningful, don't think their lives are going well or don't feel hopeful about their future.”
According to that same report, stress among workers is also at an all-time high. Surprisingly, people are feeling even more stressed than they did in 2020! So, why do so many people stick with jobs that they hate? And what can someone do if they want to get paid to do something that they love?
To help answer these questions, I’m talking with my good friends Tim Rhode and Pat Hiban. Their new book is called The Quitters Manifesto: Quit a Job You Hate for the Work You Love. In it, they explore why so many people feel trapped in their jobs but don’t know how to escape. The book will help you craft a game plan to survive uncertainty, create new opportunities, and make meaningful change. (If you’d like to get a copy, click here and use the code “ELROD” at checkout for 10% off.)
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Today's episode format is very different, in that this is an interview that I just did on the top-rated Don’t Keep Your Day Job podcast, where Cathy Heller interviewed me. Cathy has interviewed major names such as Tony Robbins, Alicia Silverstone, Andy Grammer, Mel Robbins, Gabby Bernstein, and Matthew McConaughey, to name a few.
This was one of the best interviews I've ever done and quite different from how I normally talk about The Miracle Morning, so I want to share it with you!
Here's a comment from someone who already had a chance to listen to this interview:
Diana Kates - Wow!!! Thank you for sharing. This was one of the most impactful interviews that I have ever witnessed. 🙏🏼
In our conversation, I’ll dive deep into how to make meditation, visualization, and affirmations a meaningful part of your daily practice, and how we can all work together to transform the world.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Are you intentionally eating in a way that optimizes your energy and increases your chance of living a long, healthy life?
Optimizing my diet for energy and longevity has been a huge passion of mine for over 20 years now. And yet, I was diagnosed with cancer. So, what did I learn from what I did right and what I could have done better?
Today, I want to share my journey with you and some simple strategies you can implement to upgrade your diet to optimize your energy and longevity. And if you don’t think you have time to cook and eat a healthy diet, or that eating organic foods is too expensive, that’s totally understandable. But I want to give you the opportunity to learn how some simple dietary changes can make a huge difference in your life.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Procrastination is something we all struggle with, and it prevents us from achieving our goals and dreams. If you’re a human being, I know you can relate! We all put off things we know we need to do, no matter how important they are.
In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about four (4) of the primary reasons we procrastinate and propose four (4) solutions to these common challenges we all face. You’ll learn how to identify patterns that don’t serve you, get rid of the obstacles in your way, and find the energy to generate unstoppable momentum.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
How consistent are you when it comes to doing what you need to do to achieve your goals? Be honest with yourself!
If you feel like you’re not as consistent as you want or need to be, that’s okay. Consistency is something even high achievers struggle to maintain, and there’s nothing wrong with needing help in this area.
In today’s episode, inspired by a survey I sent to the Miracle Morning community, I want to talk to you about what you can do to set yourself up for success and improve your follow-through.
You’ll learn four time-tested and proven techniques you can apply to any goal, how to hold yourself accountable, and what you can do right now to transform your life and bring about meaningful change.
During today’s conversation, we dive into how to implement the following four (4) Steps to Improve Your Consistency:
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If you want to change your life, you must change what you focus on. An affirmation is simply intentionally designed language for the purpose of directing your focus toward something you aspire to change or embody in your life.
In today’s episode, I’m going to share my latest affirmations with you. If you’ve followed me for a while, you probably know that I truly believe affirmations—when done correctly—have the power to transform our lives. Whether your goals are to achieve financial abundance, overcome fear, be happy, maximize your impact in this world, or something else entirely, affirmations can help you make your dreams a reality.
So, I’m really excited to share my newest affirmations for 2022-2023 and my 3-step approach to help you create yours. And if you want to download a PDF of my affirmations (to model for your own), just visit MiracleMorning.com/442 and you’ll find them in the show notes.
Also, if you have any questions for me after listening to the episode, I’d love to hear from you and help in any way that I can. Just leave a comment underneath the show notes, and I’ll respond ASAP.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If you've been paying attention to the news lately, you know that the cost of pretty much everything is on the rise. Food, housing, gas, utilities, and other goods rose by 9.1% over the past 12 months—a 40-year high!
Most people can barely sustain the life that they have, let alone make enough money to live the life of their dreams.
And while it's natural to feel scared during these times, I want to ease your mind and help you prepare for whatever the future may hold.
Today's episode is all about money. I want to teach you how to make more of it, not only to keep up with rising inflation, but so you can create freedom and start living life on your terms.
Whether you're struggling to keep up and need to earn more OR want to protect yourself if things go sideways, this episode highlights many helpful strategies for making more money and building multiple income streams!
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
I recently came across an eye-opening, insightful passage by an unknown author. In it, the writer talked about what purpose really is in a way I had never quite heard before. I shared it across social media and people expressed that it really resonated with them.
So, today I want to share that passage with you. Then, I want to help you explore different ways to look at your purpose in life. You’ll hear insights from thought leaders including Eckhart Tolle and Matthew Kelly, and others.
My conclusion is that we have the ability to choose or create a purpose that makes sense for our life, to change our purpose at any time, and to live in alignment with it at all times.
In this episode, you’ll learn how to define, simplify, and live for your purpose like never before.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
How does it make you feel when people you know—whether it’s your family, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances on social media—have opposing views on topics that are important to you?
I recently made a post on social media that prompted a lot of critical feedback, and those comments inspired today’s episode.
Having disagreements with coworkers, clients, friends, and especially family members can be frustrating. But how do we interact with those we disagree with? Do we choose to judge, condemn, and perpetuate polarization, or do we choose to respect each other’s opinions, and come from a place of love and understanding.
In the spirit of helping heal humanity, empathizing, loving each other, and better understanding each other, I want to talk to you about three (3) considerations to help you get along with people you disagree with. I also want to respond to some of the feedback I received from that social media post, then discuss what we can do to get along better with everyone—no matter how different they may be.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Today’s episode was inspired by a message I received from a listener. They told me that they’d made some bad choices in the past, don’t trust themselves anymore, and asked if I would do an episode on how we can develop our self-confidence, or get it back when we’ve lost it.
The reality is, even very confident people struggle with self-confidence at times, or in certain areas of their life. So, how do we go about increasing our self-confidence?
With that thought in mind, today’s episode dives into this topic from a number of different angles. You’ll learn what self-confidence is, where it comes from, how to develop and increase it, and how to get it back if you lose it.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Underneath all the ways you identify yourself—your name, age, body, race, profession, attributes, and accomplishments—at your very core, who are you?
This is the question that we are exploring in depth today. The simple answer is: you are pure consciousness. And you have the power to elevate your consciousness, be more of who you truly are, and change how you experience every moment of your life.
You have the power to see the world, yourself, and other people in a way that is enlightening, empowering, and conscious—and I want to share a few powerful tools to help you tap into that power today.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Sometimes “How’s life?” can be one of the most challenging questions to give a straight answer to. It’s like, Uhh, which part of life are you referring to?
When life is difficult, are you able to stay on track, keep sight of your goals, and keep your priorities in order? Or do all the things that are bringing you down leave you feeling exhausted, stressed out, and discouraged?
It’s easy to feel like what used to work isn’t working anymore, or you don’t have the support you need, and that we’re constantly playing catch-up with a world that won’t stop changing. However, you can still optimize and take control of your own life—and it may just be the push you need to stay on track.
Today, I want to talk to you about how to take action when life feels challenging. You’ll learn some simple ideas to help you tune out the noise, get back to basics, and understand why it’s more important than ever to keep pursuing your goals, no matter what the future holds.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If you were to lose half or more of your income in the next few months, what would you do?
I ask you this question because that’s exactly what happened to me during the Great Recession of 2008, and many financial experts are forecasting that the next recession could be right around the corner.
Today, I want to share with you the four (4) things I did in 2008 to turn my financial situation around and literally double my income (in only two months) at the height of the Great Recession, so you can be prepared to do the same.
In today’s podcast, I want to share the story of my financial journey. Then, I want to present four strategies you can use to thrive during a recession, what I’m doing now to prepare for a potential economic downturn, and how you can use these same techniques to thrive no matter what happens!
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Earlier this year, we talked about how to prepare yourself “logistically” for the challenges that might be on the horizon, such as the likelihood of a major recession, and supply chain issues that are causing shortages of everything from baby formula to microchips to paper, and most concerning - the coming food shortages that many have been anticipating.
But no matter how much logistical preparation we do, we can’t be prepared for anything, because we can’t predict the future.
However, there’s an entire other aspect of preparation that we do have the ability to be prepared for anything, and that is “mental” preparation.
You’ve probably heard me say this many times over the years, no matter what your circumstances are, you have the ability to control your emotional state. While most people allow the world around them to determine how they feel (which often causes fear, anxiety, and depression)—you can learn how to maintain the optimal emotional state even when facing the most difficult circumstances.
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you three (3) strategies to be mentally prepared for ANYTHING—no matter what the world throws your way.
● How society conditions us to be emotionally reactive and how this holds us back.
● The beauty and power of taking total control of your emotional state.
● What really causes our fear and how to transcend it.
● How to practice choosing your optimal emotional state even when facing daily challenges.
● The magic of focusing your attention on what you can control–and only what you can control.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If you are married and have kids, today’s episode is for you.
In what has become a bit of an annual Father’s Day tradition, I’m excited to welcome my good friend Jon Vroman back to the podcast to explore these topics, although through a lens that applies to anyone who is married and has kids.
Jon is the founder of Front Row Dads, a brotherhood of 300+ men who are actively committed to leveling up as husbands and fathers.
In today’s episode, Jon and I share the tactics and strategies we’ve learned along the way to win with our own families.
You’ll hear about the best lessons Jon has learned after working with hundreds of families, the importance of living by a defined set of family values, and how to avoid becoming reactive when life gets challenging.
I also share what my Dad did when I was younger that has enabled us to have a phenomenal relationship for the past 42 years!
*Front Row Dads Masterclass Announcement*
If you are a dad and find this conversational podcast to be especially valuable, Jon and I will be hosting a Front Row Dads “masterclass” webinar on June 15th (for free), where we go into much greater detail around what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to winning at home. You can sign up to attend by visiting FrontRowDads.com/Hal.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Are there areas of your life that you’d like to have a significant breakthrough in, such your business, your career, your health, your income, an important relationship, a challenge you’re facing, or your overall happiness and emotional well-being?
If you answered “yes” (and I’m assuming you did), do you have a process, a formula, or a system in place that enables you to intentionally and consistently create breakthroughs? If you don’t have a process, or maybe your process just hasn’t gotten you where you want to go, this episode is for you.
Today, I’m bringing you an expert at helping people create those breakthroughs—my good friend, David Nurse. David is a life and optimization coach with the NBA. He’s coached the Brooklyn Nets, delivered keynotes all over the world, and his new book is titled, Breakthrough: A Sure-Fire Guide to Realizing Your Potential, Pushing Through Limitations, and Achieving Things You Didn't Know Were Possible.
In today’s conversation, we discuss how he made a name for himself by breaking a Guinness world record, frameworks and strategies you can use to realize your potential in any area of life, and how to implement them as part of your daily practice.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If I were to ask you what your #1 priority in life is, how would you respond? Would the answer be clearly defined, and do your day-to-day actions align with what you say is most important to you?
It seems that far too many of us don't really think about this, as we’re focused on just getting through another day. Or, there's a massive disconnect between what we say and what we do.
And BTW, I've definitely fallen into that trap myself. I remember a time when I said family was one of my top priorities, yet my calendar said something completely different. Thankfully, I've been very intentional about realigning myself.
It's also worth noting that the order of your priorities will shift depending on your circumstances. For instance, when I was battling cancer and had a 20% chance of surviving, my #1 priority became my health. If I had put my family as #1 at that time, I probably would have died. It wasn't that family was less important, but staying alive required all of my focus.
Today, I'm going to help you identify your priorities and give you an action plan to live in alignment with them, so you can achieve new levels of success and fulfillment.
Even if you already know what your priorities are, you'll still get a ton of value from this episode. I share actionable ideas for living in alignment with what matters most, a simple way to incorporate your priorities into your Miracle Morning, and my process for creating a foundational schedule that will set you up for success.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Outer freedom gives you the ability to create the circumstances that you want for your life. Inner freedom allows you to enjoy your life, regardless of the circumstances.
These concepts exist in an inherent conflict with one another. When we pursue outer freedom, there’s a part of us that feels like our life could be better, and when we focus on our inner freedom, part of us celebrates the fact that life’s perfect, exactly as it is.
So, how do we address that contradiction? In today’s episode, I want to show you how to get everything you want for your life while enjoying what you already have. By the end of our time together, I hope to help you reconcile these conflicting emotions and discover why your life is perfect–regardless of your circumstances.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Most of us don’t like to admit that we worry about what other people think of us, but it’s definitely something I’ve struggled with.
Have you ever stopped to consider the impact that worrying what others think has on you, such as causing stress, perpetuating insecurity, and hurting your self-confidence?
How nice would it be to go through life without being deterred by anyone else’s opinion of you?
In today’s episode, we’re exploring the problems with worrying what others think and I’m giving you three (3) powerful cures to overcome that worry, so you can confidently and completely be your authentic self—regardless of what anyone else thinks.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
How much time do you spend in nature compared to how much time you spend indoors, staring at a screen?
I recently realized that my screen-to-nature ratio was way out of balance, and so I decided to do something about it.
In today’s podcast episode, I’m inviting you to take two simple actions in the next 24 hours—one of which I’ve been doing for years to naturally heal my body, and another that has recently become a game changer for me in ways I could have never predicted.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
What does it mean to move from emotional reactivity to Emotional Enlightenment? How do you go from unconsciously allowing outside forces to determine your emotional state to consciously choosing which emotion best serves you in any given moment or situation?
For over 20 years, this has been an area of focus for me. I’ve learned how to accept what I can’t change, to experience painful emotions in a state of peace and extract maximum value from them, and move on as soon as it makes sense to do so.
In this episode, I want to share with you why Emotional Enlightenment matters. I want to talk about the tools and paradigms that helped me take control of my emotional state, teach you how to optimize yours, and give you the opportunity to experience a guided emotional optimization meditation–something I’ve never done on the podcast before.
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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
Most people, especially highly ambitious people, are unhappy because of how they measure their progress. We all have an “ideal,” a moving target that is always out of reach. When we measure ourselves against that ideal, we’re in “the GAP.” However, when we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we’re in “the GAIN.”
Today’s guest, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, is one of my all-time favorite authors. In his new book, The GAP and the GAIN: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success, he delivers a masterclass on positive psychology, healthy relationships, mental well-being, and high-performance. He explores why unsuccessful, unhappy people focus on “the GAP,” but successful, happy people focus on “the GAIN.”
In this conversation, Benjamin makes his third appearance on the podcast to talk about how to stop focusing on the GAP and turn your biggest hurdles into massive gains, and what you can do to stay in the GAIN each and every day.
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To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit HalElrod.com/426
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To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.
Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, whether that’s to increase your income, to positively impact people’s lives, grow your business, or leave a legacy—even if you aren’t sure what to write about or don’t consider yourself to be a good writer—you won’t want to miss today’s podcast!
You may have heard me say this before, but writing and self-publishing a book (The Miracle Morning) was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. (My wife agrees!) It increased both my impact and our income, providing financial security for my family and enabling me to help millions of people around the world with my message. I believe that if I can do it, so can you.
On today’s podcast I’m joined by my dear friend, 7-time bestselling author and founder of Self-Publishing School, Chandler Bolt, to talk about WHY and HOW you can go from blank page to published author in as little as 90 days (writing for only 30 minutes per day).
In this conversation, you’ll learn why publishing a book can change your life, how to apply your Miracle Morning to write your very first book, and why your current Miracle Morning practice gives you an incredible head start with what can be a daunting process. (Note: I wrote The Miracle Morning during my Miracle Mornings!)
Before you listen to today's episode, I have an exciting announcement to share with you. Next week, I’ll be co-hosting a live online masterclass (at no cost to you) with Chandler Bolt. This live masterclass is for aspiring authors who want to write a book and want a step-by-step roadmap to get it done in as little as 90 days!
The live training is on April 19th at 12 PM EST. You can reserve your spot right now by visiting Self-PublishingSchool.com/Hal.
Get The Full Show Notes
To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit HalElrod.com/425
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I would love if you could subscribe to the podcast and leave an honest rating & review. This will encourage other people to listen and allow us to grow as a community. The bigger we get as a community, the bigger the impact we can have on the world.
To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.
Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC