
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod is a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level. Subscribe to the podcast and get a new episode every Wednesday.
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Now displaying: 2019
Dec 26, 2019

Whether you are an entrepreneur, parent, and/or a provider, it’s easy to forget that at the end of your life, your loved ones won’t remember the paychecks you took home, the mortgage payments you made, or even what you achieved in your career. What they will remember is the time you spent with them, who it helped them become, and how you contributed to their emotional well-being and quality of life.

I learned this the hard way. When I was diagnosed with cancer several years ago, I said that my family was my number one priority, but my schedule didn’t tell the same story. I was a workaholic, but I was in denial.

Thankfully, around that same time, one of my best friends, Jon Vroman, started Front Row Dads - a community for family men with businesses, not businessmen with families. Jon chose to step up and align his work with making his family this top priority, and his work has been hugely transformative for me and hundreds of others over the years.

Today’s episode of the podcast, Jon interviews me about the radical changes I’m making in my life to ensure that my family remains my true #1 priority in 2020, which hopefully will give you the courage, permission and strategies to really put your family first—and achieve all of your family-related goals—in 2020.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Dec 18, 2019

In the last episode of the podcast, my Chief Miracle Worker, Chip Franks, spoke to author Akshay Nanavati about the profound benefits of utilizing accountability in our lives – and the power of having a dedicated accountability buddy – in order to help you achieve your goals. 

Chip and Akshay also took things to the next level and even announced their own accountability partnership. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, I highly recommend you click here to do so before you listen to this one.

Today, we’re doing away with the traditional interview format to really explore what Chip and Akshay’s accountability partnership will mean for both of them. You’ll get a behind the scenes look at what this process looks like, discover how it can get a little messy (and why that’s okay), and hopefully get a sense of what could work to help you create a process - and partnership - of your own.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Dec 11, 2019

Achieving anything worthwhile is difficult, especially when you decide to do it alone. Human beings are tribal creatures, and most of us can benefit from some form of structure and community to turn our biggest dreams into reality.

In today’s special episode (Part 1 of 2), my Chief Miracle Worker and guest-host, Chip Franks, is talking with our friend, Akshay Nanavati, about the game-changing power of having an “accountability buddy” — someone who challenges you to move beyond your comfort zone, provides you with the extra support you need, and helps you to grow and improve in order to achieve your goals. 

Akshay is the author of FEARVANA: The Revolutionary Science of How To Turn Fear into Health, Wealth, and Happiness, where he explores how to transform potentially negative feelings into incredible strengths, and has been recommended by Seth Godin, Cal Newport, and even His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

Today, Chip and Akshay talk about the benefits of having an accountability buddy, why you need one as a high achiever / entrepreneur, and who that person should and shouldn’t be. You’ll also learn what it takes to initiate and build this type of relationship.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Dec 4, 2019

When I first published The Miracle Morning back in 2012, I was thinking small. I was committed to sharing the daily practice that changed my life, but I was only thinking I’d sell a few thousand copies. But then I started seeing a flood of emails and reviews from people about how the Miracle Morning had enabled them to make profound transformations in their lives, as well, so I committed to a bigger mission of changing millions of lives, one morning at a time.

Then, I met Honorée Corder. She was a bestselling author and strategic book coach whom had published dozens of her own personal development books. After getting to know her, I asked her if she’d partner with me to co-create the Miracle Morning book series. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Our next book in the series was just released on Monday. It is The Miracle Morning for Teachers, and I believe it’s one of the most important we’ve ever written, as it is already improving the lives of teachers and students around the world. This book is truly designed to elevate the consciousness of both TEACHERS and STUDENTS in order to make the greatest possible impact for our current and future generations.

Today, Honorée joins me on the podcast to talk about how we worked with dozens of teachers to create a version of SAVERS that works in the classroom, the ABCs of being a legendary teacher, and how you can help to elevate the consciousness of humanity - one teacher, and one student at a time.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Nov 27, 2019

As the name implies, the Thanksgiving holiday is generally a time to give thanks for everything that we’re grateful for – but is there more to it than that? Can there be more to your practice of gratitude than simply stating what you’re thankful for while you’re gathered around the dinner table this Thursday?

In fact, there’s a huge difference between passive gratitude and active appreciation. People who practice active appreciation don’t just experience greater happiness in life - they have the power to change their brains for the better.

Today, “Chief Miracle Worker” Chip Franks returns as our guest host to take you through the framework, exercises, and powerful quotes from thought leaders across history that inform his thinking. You’ll learn how Chip cultivates gratitude, active appreciation, and different techniques you can immediately apply to your own daily practice.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 20, 2019

Meditation, or “Silence” as represented by the first “S” of the SAVERS that make up the Miracle Morning, is a proven, powerful practice that can improve your emotional health, increase your self-awareness, and strengthen your attention span and focus.

That’s why, for today’s episode of the podcast, we’re doing something a little bit different. Chip Franks – my close friend and Chief Miracle Worker – is going to share several tools and techniques you can use to help with your own meditation practice.

Whether you’re brand new to meditation, or have been doing it for years, there are always ways to get more from this life-changing work, and we’re excited to share this knowledge with you. You’ll also learn about the brand new “Meditation Challenge” that we’re hosting in our community, how you can participate, and how to make meditation a catalyst for positive change in your life.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 13, 2019

Earlier this year, I accidentally FaceTimed a man named Julio. Julio had just raised approximately $80,000 on a GoFundMe for today’s guest, Cort Davies. At the time, I was in the process of starting a nonprofit that was to be called Support the Unsupported, and Cort was founding his own, doing exactly what I wanted to do.

His nonprofit, Conscious Cancer, helps cancer patients get the knowledge, holistic resources, and money to help them navigate the stress of bills they can’t pay. He’s also creating a documentary, which led not just to him filming at my house but to us having a long conversation about transitioning from chemo to holistic medicine.

Today, Cort joins the podcast to discuss how his cancer journey has reshaped his life and his relationship with chronic stress. You’ll learn how it gave him the power to become heart-centered, to live with compassion and empathy, and to kick major ass - and how he’s working to help others do the same.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 6, 2019

On today’s episode of the Achieve Your Goals podcast, you’ll get to hear Brandon Hawk and I talk about YOU: A Guide to Deeper Connection, A Lifestyle of Ease, and Massive Results—based on his new book by the same title.

There’s a reason CEOs and individuals pay Brandon thousands of dollars per hour for his advice… He is an expert at showing you how to reconnect with who you truly are, so that you can achieve everything you’ve ever wanted while truly enjoying every day of your life.

Today, Brandon joins the podcast to discuss why deeper connections have to serve as the foundation for all real achievement, and why external success doesn’t have to come at the cost of abandoning your heart.

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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 1, 2019

In order for me to focus on my health (as I’m transitioning from chemotherapy to holistic treatments), I’ve recently had to make some very difficult decisions.

On today’s special *BONUS* episode of the podcast, I’m sharing the biggest decision I’ve recently made—a HUGE announcement—and (most importantly) the process by which you can more easily and effectively make major decisions in your life.

As a fellow human being, you know how much energy it takes to make decisions, no matter how simple they are. But when you’re facing a MAJOR decision—the kind that isn't black and white, where you might have multiple options, and where your actions could affect your life for months (or years) to come—making the right decision is often challenging.

One of these decisions (which you’ll hear about in this episode), means that the upcoming Best Year Ever [Blueprint] live experience (taking place this December 13-15th) will be the last time we ever offer this event.

If you’ve ever wanted to join me in person at the Best Year Ever [Blueprint] live experience, taking place this December 13-15th, this will be your last chance.

This is the last time we’re offering the event, and it’s nearly sold out.

In case you’re not familiar, BYEB is a weekend event that will enable you to take your SELF to the next level so that you can take your LIFE to the next level—because, as you know, it only happens in that order! :^)

Every year, 400+ members of The Miracle Morning Community (from around the world) fly into San Diego, California and come together to connect and co-create our future, together. And I’d love for you to join us!

Check out the brand new website at to get all the details and secure your spot for what is guaranteed to be another life-changing weekend for all of us.

On to the actual podcast! This was pretty powerful. 


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Oct 30, 2019

At some point or another in our lives, we’ve probably been told that if we follow our passion, success will follow. However, if you’re an entrepreneur, wantrepreneur, or have friends with struggling businesses, you can probably think of more than a handful of experiences that prove that saying wrong.

Few understand this better than MJ DeMarco. He’s the founder of The Fastlane Forum, a global business community featuring nearly 40,000 entrepreneurs, and, a startup he built and grew into a profitable multimillion-dollar company with no money, no formal training, and only a few employees. He’s also the international bestselling author of The Millionaire Fastlane, one of my favorite financial books of all time.

However, before he became a self-made millionaire, he had to try, fail, and ultimately find a way to bring passion to a product that the market truly needed. In his new book, UNSCRIPTED: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship, he writes about how to build a business that leaves you feeling inspired and fulfilled in addition to paying the bills.

Today, MJ joins the podcast to talk about why the established American narratives about creating wealth are complete garbage, how money can help you do what you love, and how to break free from the cycle of stress, debt, and frustration trapping so many of us in jobs - and businesses - that sap our passions.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Oct 23, 2019

If you’re reading this, there’s an 80+% chance that you’re an entrepreneur or someone who’s considering launching a business. However, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a wantrepreneur, today’s conversation with Cameron Herold is a must-listen.

In addition to being my co-author for The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs, as well as the author of Double Double, Meetings Suck, and Free PR, Cameron is known around the world as the “business growth guru.” He has helped hundreds of companies achieve exponential growth and is one of those rare individuals who knows how to present his extensive knowledge and experience in a clear and effective way.

Today, Cameron joins the podcast to discuss his journey into entrepreneurship, why running a business is much more about who to do things with than how to do things, and why he can almost always identify an entrepreneur in a crowd - even if he’s never met them before.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Oct 16, 2019

If you’ve listened to the podcast for a while, you’ve probably heard me say that it’s not what you learn that really matters - it’s what you live that ultimately impacts your life. 

Why? It’s simple: if you don’t apply what you’ve learned, it doesn’t do you much good. 

However, the irony is that how you live begins with what you learn. We can only live a better life to the degree that we learn what exactly that looks like, and what it takes to live it. 

Few people know this better than Jonathan Levi, author of the new book, The Only Skill That Matters, which explores the reasons and methods surrounding learning and memory - and will teach you how to learn anything three times faster. 

Jonathan is a serial entrepreneur, author, and podcaster. Born and raised in Silicon Valley, he’s the face of  SuperHuman Academy and the author of Become a SuperLearner.

Jonathan and I have known each other for over 20 years, and we recently reconnected when he had me on his SuperHuman Academy Podcast. Today, he joins the podcast to discuss the learning struggles he faced in his youth and the life-changing breakthrough he experienced, why improving your ability to learn is about much more than being able to impress people at parties, and actionable steps and processes you can take to live your learning.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Oct 9, 2019

When most people think of “intimacy” it’s usually related to physical affection, sex, or romance. However, intimacy impacts a lot more than that—it’s also crucial to effective parenting, entrepreneurship, and our relationships with ourselves.

Few understand this better than intimacy expert Allana Pratt. She has served as a Guest Expert on The Jenny McCarthy Show, The Huffington Post, People, Forbes, CBS, TLC and FOX. She’s also the author of (4) books, the host of the Intimate Conversations podcast, and a go-to authority with over 4 million viewers on YouTube, where she helps her followers create healthy, thriving relationships with themselves first in order to naturally attract their ideal match.

Jon Berghoff and I met Allana at a couples’ retreat, where she led several powerful experiences. I saw her enable people (including me and my wife) to quickly increase our self-awareness and discover deep and important things about ourselves, which is exactly what the Best Year Ever [Blueprint] live experience is all about where Allana will be one of our speakers this year.

Today, Allana talks with Jon Berghoff about the exercises she’ll be leading at our BYEB event in San Diego this December. You’ll learn how to rediscover (and accept) your authentic self, see your blind spots, and make huge strides on your journey to becoming a compassionate badass.


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Oct 2, 2019

Jeremy “Brotha James” Reisig isn’t just one of my favorite people. He is a world-class musician unlike any other, making music to help elevate your consciousness, enhance your mindset, and improve your life. There are very few “conscious” musicians, and Brotha James was the first I’d ever heard.

Jeremy is also a world-class facilitator. He’s the Chief Energy Officer of Fambundance, where he works to elevate the consciousness of the world by elevating the consciousness of the family. He focuses on helping kids aged 8-18 with personal transformation, emotional management, aligning values, and more.

I’ve had Jeremy as our musician in residence at every Best Year Ever [Blueprint] LIVE event I’ve ever held, and we’ve even performed the Miracle Morning Song together onstage. However, this year, Jeremy will be leading a parallel event alongside ours for your children, and we couldn’t be more excited for your whole family to attend.

Today, Jeremy joins the podcast to talk about the importance of staying curious, how to build a business in alignment with your values and the life you want to live, and what we’ll be doing together at this year’s event.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Sep 25, 2019

If you practice The Miracle Morning (and specifically the S.A.V.E.R.S.), I think you’re going to love today’s *special* episode of the Achieve Your Goals podcast!

Today, we’re doing something a little different. Instead of our usual podcast format—where our guests talk about how they achieved their goals and how to get more done—I’m giving the floor over to my good friend and Chief Miracle Worker, Chip Franks, for a training and tutorial to help you get the most out of your Miracle Morning “Scribing” (aka “Journaling”) practice.

Among many things, Chip has one of the most effective Scribing practice I’ve ever seen. Though he goes through almost 250 pages in his journal every month, he rarely spends more than about 15 minutes a day scribing. He believes that it is the most important personal-development practice that exists and a powerful way to turn ideas into action.

Chip also journals to deal with anxiety and overwhelm, have a conversation with himself, and become an objective third-party with himself when he needs it the most.

Today, Chip joins the podcast to share 10 techniques to optimize your Scribing practice. I’d love to see you commit to giving the ones that make sense for you a try - and see how scribing can change your life for the better.


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 You can also find a special version of the episode on the PremoCast app (iPhone only):


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Sep 18, 2019

Alex Banayan is the only nationally bestselling business author under the age of 30 in America. His book, The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How The World’s Most Successful People Launched Their Careers, documents his unprecedented seven-year journey to interview the most innovative leaders of the past half-century, including Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Lady Gaga, Larry King, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Jessica Alba, Quincy Jones, and many more. He also funded this journey by hacking The Price is Right, where he won and sold a sailboat to finance his dream.

He’s been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, Insider’s Most Powerful People Under 30, and appeared across countless media outlets. He’s also an acclaimed keynote speaker, having presented The Third Door framework to Apple, Salesforce, and countless others.

Alex is a fascinating individual and an incredibly captivating writer. I’m thrilled to have him on the podcast to introduce the concept of the Third Door. You’ll learn about the Third Door mindset and how successful people master the art of breaking through when no one will take their meetings or offer them their first deal. You’ll also hear wild stories from Alex’s journey about how he landed interviews with people few would have any idea how to get in touch with, his unique perspective on the power of mentorship, and why changing what someone believes in is the key to getting truly unstuck.


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Sep 11, 2019

Dr. Shannon Irvine has a Ph.D. in neuropsychology, is an entrepreneur, high achievement mentor, host of The Epic Success Podcast, and a philanthropist.

In today’s episode, she teaches us how to neuro-hack our success and build epic lives and businesses we love - by harnessing our brainpower to hardwire productivity, goal attainment, and mindset mastery.

I’m a huge believer in (re)conditioning our brains and using simple, proven methods to instill the beliefs and emotions that will best serve us. Shannon brings a scientific approach to how we can instill these beliefs and emotions.

Today, you can listen to my fascinating conversation between Shannon and I about how to take your brain off of autopilot, stop listening to the stories you’ve been told about your capabilities, and chip away at your limitations to transform your life and business.


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Sep 5, 2019

I’ve got some sad news, which you may have already heard. One of the most inspirational people I’ve ever met, Sean Stephenson – known around the world as the “3 Foot Giant” – passed away last week, after a wheelchair accident.

Sean dedicated his life to helping people, and I was blessed to know him as a friend and mentor. Today it is my privilege to share some of his inspiration with you by giving you an opportunity to listen to the last interview that he and I did together.

Because of a rare bone disorder, Sean was predicted not to survive at birth. In fact, he’d suffered over 200 fractures by the time he turned 18.

However, Sean has survived, thrived, and lived a life that has inspired millions around the world. He’s appeared on Oprah and Jimmy Kimmel Live, has online videos with 10+ million views, been the subject of a TV series for A&E called 3 Foot Giant, and published a book titled Get Off Your But: How to End Self-Sabotage.



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Aug 29, 2019

So, what is the purpose of life? Today, I want to help you answer that question by asking you to consider a couple of others:

What if the purpose of life isn't about achieving or attaining anything? What if you already have the most important thing you’ve been searching for?

I want to help you to discover the true purpose of your life and realize that you may already have what you’ve been searching for, for your entire life.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Aug 20, 2019

“Success” is a pretty loaded word – and the definition is really personal to each of us. What does success mean to you? 

On today’s podcast, I talk with Moneeka Sawyer, author of Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment, who redefines success (and specifically financial success) and how it ties into our happiness. Moneeka may be one of the most blissful people you’ll ever meet! 

Today, Moneeka joins us to define what BLISS really is, how money can make a difference (and when it doesn’t), and how to own your feelings—good and bad—while still committing authentically to your happiness.


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Aug 8, 2019

According to legend, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés issued a rather interesting order to his men as they began their conquest of the Aztec empire in 1519.

The order was simple: Burn the boats.

He wanted his men to realize that they had no opportunity to retreat, so they had to give this fight everything they had. Failure was no longer an option and winning this battle just became that much more important.

There is much debate about the legitimacy of this story, both in reference to the true intentions of Cortés and whether the actual burning took place at all.

However, regardless of the accuracy in this particular case, this phrase “Burn your boats” has become popular advice in the context of business and success.

In today’s episode, my friend and best-selling author, Tim Grahl, and I discuss why burning your boats may be the wrong strategy and one you want to avoid, and then we share what we believe will be a much better approach for your to take your success to the next level and beyond.


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Jul 31, 2019

Do you know what’s standing in the way of creating and experiencing everything you want for your life? The answer might surprise you.

Our cavemen and cavewomen ancestors were biologically programmed to do two things: survive and rest. Our agenda back then was simple: hunt and gather food so that we could sustain life, find shelter, and rest until we needed more food to eat or a new shelter to rest under. We were NOT, however, designed to achieve, to get ahead, or to be successful.

So, to this day human beings unconsciously abide by our inborn human nature, and it prevents us from creating and experiencing what we deeply want to create and experience in our lives.

On today’s podcast, I share raw, unfiltered thoughts and powerful, life-changing information that can help you transcend your innate human nature (that is holding you back). You’re also going to learn about how society conditions us to want things that don’t make us happy, why you’re always going to be drawn toward taking the path of least resistance, and how to overcome the laws of the universe to do what we need in order to create everything you want and deserve.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 24, 2019

Long before Mark Crandall became a member of the Quantum Leap Mastermind program that I recently told you about, he was a lost young man with countless traumatic experiences. He spent time in jail, was a drug addict, and carried an underlying self-hatred.

He’s since transcended his adversity and become keynote speaker, licensed master social worker, chemical dependency counselor, clinical interventionist, the author of Embrace Your Past, Win Your Future, host of two podcasts, and a highly sought after clinical interventionist.

At our last Quantum Leap Mastermind (QLM) retreat, I saw Mark do powerful, transformative work in real time, and it’s truly an honor to introduce you to him.

Today, he joins the podcast to share how he uses his life to hold a mirror up to those who need it the most. He also shares the belief system he uses to find opportunities to do more, and what you can do to leverage your trauma to live a life in service.


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 16, 2019

In addition to being the author of the new book, Habit That!: How You Can Health Up in Just 5 Minutes a Day, Dr. Jaime Hope is a dual board-certified physician working outside of Detroit, Michigan, in one of the busiest emergency departments in the country. In over twelve years on the job, she has learned that no matter what brought her patients to the ER, they all want the same thing: to live happier, healthier lives.

Jaime is an expert in habits, and if you’re a student of personal development, you know that good habits lead to good results, and Jaime knows how to fight against waning motivation and overcome the inevitable roadblocks on the path to healthy living.

Jaime and I met at an event and we connected almost instantly. Today, she joins the podcast to share the story of how she became a national speaker on good habits and resilience. You’ll learn why the same techniques you can use to achieve business or personal goals apply to health goals, and how to stop settling for mediocrity in health and learn to live an identity in alignment with your health goals.


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You can also find a special version of the episode on the PremoCast app (iPhone only):


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Jul 10, 2019

Adversity an inevitable part of life, and the reality is that all of us have more adversity that we will experience in our future. So it’s vitally important that we learn how to embrace our adversity and turn it into an advantage.

Personally, I view adversity as a GIFT and often our greatest opportunity for GROWTH, and I’m living proof.

My two greatest adversities (being hit head on by a drunk driver, breaking 11 bones, and dying for 6 minutes - at age 20… and then being diagnosed with cancer and given a 30% chance of surviving - at age 37) were two of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received, because both enabled me to learn, grow, and become the person I am today.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to my podcast guest today, Marcus Aurelius Anderson (link to listen to the podcast is below). He is the author of The Gift of Adversity, TedX speaker, US Army veteran, lifelong martial artist, and high-performance mindset coach for leaders, companies, CEOs, and entrepreneurs.

Today, Marcus joins the podcast and we talk about how you can find the gifts in your adversity—no matter what happens to you—and turn your adversity into an advantage.

Marcus suffered a severe spinal injury while preparing to deploy, died twice on the operating table, and was told he would never walk again. With no other options, Marcus began to see the lessons learned from his injury - and when he saw adversity as a gift, something miraculous began to happen.


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You can also find a special version of the episode on the PremoCast app (iPhone only):


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Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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