
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod is a weekly podcast dedicated to empowering and equipping you with practical advice and strategies to achieve your goals and dreams. If you are looking for help with achieving your goals in any (or EVERY) area of your life, Hal will give you the inspiration, motivation, and action plan to take yourself and your life to the next level. Subscribe to the podcast and get a new episode every Wednesday.
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Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod












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Jul 6, 2022

Underneath all the ways you identify yourself—your name, age, body, race, profession, attributes, and accomplishments—at your very core, who are you? 

This is the question that we are exploring in depth today. The simple answer is: you are pure consciousness. And you have the power to elevate your consciousness, be more of who you truly are, and change how you experience every moment of your life. 

You have the power to see the world, yourself, and other people in a way that is enlightening, empowering, and conscious—and I want to share a few powerful tools to help you tap into that power today. 


  • Why timeless, nameless, faceless consciousness exists underneath our name, race, age, political identity, and every other so-called descriptor that identifies who we are.
  • The potential problems with identifying who you are based on superficial attributes.
  • How to take a step back from your consciousness and liberate yourself from the emotions you’re feeling in any given moment.
  • How to recognize the roles and differences that our ego and consciousness play when we’re forming our identity.
  • What happens when we identify as our true self, stop defining ourselves by circumstances or achievements, and give ourselves the power to transcend our situations–no matter what they are. 

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Copyright © 2022 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Connect with Hal Elrod

May 9, 2018

From the moment I first heard Rob Actis’ voice in an audition, I knew that he would be the voice of The Miracle Morning audiobook series. As he was recording the first book, he started doing his SAVERS, stopped sleeping in until noon, and, amazingly, discovered that he was narrating a book that was changing his life in real-time.

Rob decided at the age of 4 that he wanted to speak to the world. 54 years later, he’s a radio personality, commercial voice actor, and the leader of a new movement getting people motivated to take action in their lives.

Today, Rob joins the podcast to discuss his new (and first) book, The Law of Action: Gain Perfect Clarity, Boost Your Confidence and Get More Results NOW. We talk about facing your fears head-on, what’s really going on when we procrastinate, and how to get unstuck when you’re in the planning stage - and truly transform your life.

To get access to the full show notes and all the resources mentioned, visit


Copyright © 2018 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Feb 8, 2018

Having survived a near-death experience myself (or maybe two of them?), I am pleased to bring you today’s guest Dr. Richard Shuster, who walked away from a near-death experience that forever changed his life’s journey - and led him to become the neuroscientist and altruist he is today.

After Jon Berghoff’s recent appearance on Richard’s podcast, The Daily Helping, Richard joins us to teach you how to Face YOUR Fears and Find Your Mission, sharing his inspiring true story - and the unexpected twists and turns that brought him into alignment with his mission. 

Get access to the full show notes by visiting


Copyright © 2018 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 30, 2017

When Community is given a transcendent purpose, it becomes one of the fastest ways for members of that community to come alive as individuals.

That’s what you’ll quickly discover from today’s discussion. Only a few weeks ago, we wrapped up the 4th annual BYEB, which brought together 400 people from 16 different countries around the world. 

Today, Jon Berghoff jumps on the mic to reflect on some of the most memorable moments from the event and speaks from his heart about the power of community. 

Get access to the full show notes, including resources mentioned and transcripts by visiting

Nov 9, 2017

I’m a believer in the “ripple effect”... the idea that one lesson or moment in life can spark something that will change you and the world in bigger ways than you can imagine.

And recently, I sat down with Rob Dial (one of my first coaching clients) to share the lessons that have had this effect on my own life and personal development.

We talk about the lessons that have helped me stay positive in the middle of life’s biggest challenges (including my most recent battle with cancer) and how to apply them to yours.

To access today's audio, show notes, transcript and resources visit:


Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Nov 1, 2017

As the founder of the Flourishing Leadership Institute, one aspect of Jon Berghoff’s job is to use visualization as a tool to create high impact solutions for organizations seeking revolutionary change.

Why that is important for you today is that these same principles can be applied on an individual level to completely shift how you think about achieving success in your own life.  

The conversation you’re about to hear (which originally aired on Rob Dial’s MWF Motivation Podcast) is a sneak peek into just how powerful visualization can be on achieving your goals.

Jon Berghoff will be teaching these visualization methodologies next month at this year’s Best Year Ever Blueprint [LIVE] experience. Click here to find out how you can join us and learn from Jon in-person!


Show Notes  

Click here to get access to the full show notes, including resources mentioned and transcripts! 


Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Oct 18, 2017

Fear, doubt, hesitation, anxiety, concern, frustration, self-limiting beliefs.... Whatever you want to call it, we’ve all been there.

So, how can you proactively overcome all of it?

In this discussion, Jon Berghoff shares from the heart and opens up about his experience with FEAR—yup, even an uber successful guy like Jon struggles with such self-imposed limitations.  

In fact, it’s something he’s had to deal with for his whole life. As he puts it, “I live with fear. It’s not something that ever goes away.

Maybe he can’t eliminate it—I don’t think anyone can—but he does consciously decide how to work with it. Today he’s going to share the 4 scientifically proven ways to breakthrough your fears.

Full Show Notes:\

Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Oct 5, 2017

Today’s conversation is with a man who runs six companies and is responsible for producing thousands of live events for corporate and social clients, worldwide—including the Best Year Ever Blueprint LIVE experience, which combines cutting edge experiential learning, live music, and an unparalleled level of engagement that produces immediate and lasting transformations for every person in attendance.

As Carey Smolenksky shares his entrepreneurial journey with you, you’ll learn why passion and helping others makes a world of difference in your success.

Of course, Carey didn’t build a business empire overnight. In fact, there tends to be an overwhelming amount of challenges that can arise in his line of work.

As he puts it, “A problem has a negative connotation. A challenge allows itself to present solutions.” He will teach you how to see your problems from a completely different angle—and show you how to overcome the uncontrollable circumstances that we all have to face in life.

In this discussion, he will also share the big lessons from his book Living Life with PASSION and Helping Others, including how to shift your mindset so you can find deeper meaning and purpose in both your personal and professional life.


  • Lessons on building lifetime relationships—both personally and professionally.
  • The power of contribution and why it always comes back full circle!
  • Carey shares lessons from his book Living Life with PASSION and Helping Others.
  • Finding purpose in life’s uncontrollable circumstances—Jon and Carey exchange very personal stories that will help you find deeper meaning during incredibly tough times.

Visit to get access to show notes, transcripts, links & resources. 

Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Sep 28, 2017

Imagine if you possessed 4 powerful questions that would automatically put you in a positive state of mind, improve your relationships with every person in your life, and deepen your sense of purpose.    

Today’s podcast episode is an unscripted conversation between Hal Elrod and Jon Berghoff that originally aired live, this past Tuesday. You’re about to listen to Hal and Jon engaging in a very personal dialogue about 4 scientifically backed questions that have the power to completely change your life.

Full show notes:



Question #1 can lead to both immediate and lasting motivation, fuel and sustainable drive. Aaron Hurst, CEO of Imperative and author of The Purpose Economy would suggest that this question has redefined what it means to be our best at work and at home.

Question #2 will reconnect you with your highest capabilities, unlimited potential, and your greatest capacity for new levels of fulfillment and achievement. Over 19 million people have asked this question in the past 15 years... you don't want to miss the boat!

Question #3 will enable you to redefine the "DNA" that dictates if and how effectively you take action. Researchers Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall would consider this question to be at the root of what it means to develop our Spiritual Intelligence.

Question #4 is one that leading scientists like Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and Dr. Carol Dweck, from the field of Positive Psychology, have determined this question to be the highest determinant of your ability to "shape your destiny".

*BONUS* Guided Visualization: This will be one of the highlights of your day when you listen to today’s episode. Jon leads you through a powerful and inspiring guided visualization! You’ll also receive his best advice for taking the images in your mind and turning them into reality.


Full show notes:

Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

Sep 13, 2017

Nobody succeeds alone. That’s the simple, yet very important takeaway from today’s conversation.

When I was young, I didn’t believe I needed anybody’s help. I wanted to prove to the world that my success was mine—that I had made it completely on my own. Well, as you can probably imagine, that didn’t work out so well!

Luckily, I started to recognize the power of relationships and how building a support system of likeminded and like-hearted individuals would not only catapult the success of my business endeavors, but would also bring a completely different level of joy and fulfillment into my life.   

20 years later, I’m fortunate to be surrounded by an incredibly talented group of friends. Together we have empowered each other to succeed well beyond what we ever dreamed possible.

In today’s roundtable discussion, 5 best friends—myself, Jon Berghoff (co-creator of the Best Year Ever Blueprint LIVE Experience), Jon Vroman (founder of Front Row Foundation), John Ruhlin (author of Giftology), and John Kane (record-setting endurance athlete)—revisit the biggest lessons from two decades of supporting each other.  

You’ll see that we have a lot of fun reliving past stories, sharing meaningful moments, and discussing the values and philosophies that have shaped our lives.

You’ll also hear why the Front Row Foundation (think make-a-wish meets Tony Robbins) is the glue that keeps us all connected and how the values behind the organization are fully aligned with the way we are living and succeeding together!  


  • Leveraging the power of HUMOR in the midst of adversity—What Hal’s battle with cancer can teach us about making the most out of difficult situations.
  • Why nobody succeeds on their own—You’ll hear how a willingness to serve and support one another allowed 5 friends to succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
  • The not-so-obvious benefits that are hidden in your relationships—5 best friends express their gratitude and describe how the culture of one company brought them together.
  • Find out what the Front Row Foundation means to each of us and how an organization that started off as a way to help people fight life threatening illnesses, has grown into a way of living!
  • Jon Berghoff also shares an incredibly touching story of Front Row recipient, Sophie, and the moment she got to meet Kelly Clarkson—this story will really help you appreciate how precious YOUR life truly is!
  • Big lessons from Jon Vroman’s book—The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with the Art of Moment Making—including how to become a moment maker for the people you love and care about the most.
  • Why a partnership was born between the Best Year Ever [Blueprint] and the Front Row Foundation and why it’s giving BYEB attendees a higher sense of purpose.
  • And much more…


''When we have purpose, we find power.'' - Jon Vroman


Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC



Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Sep 7, 2017

If you tuned in to the Achieve Your Goals podcast last week, you would have heard Drew Canole’s incredible entrepreneurial journey and how he was able to transform his life from being unhappy and unfulfilled, to starting a world-class health and wellness brand that’s now inspiring 4.7 million people around the world. If you didn’t get to hear it, go check it out right here

The big lesson Drew taught us last week, is that regardless of where you’re at, transformation is possible.  

Today, I’m excited to release Part 2 of this conversation, which is even juicier!—that was an Organifi pun ;) — BTW, use promo code “miracle morning” to get 20% off select products!   

As you’ll soon hear, something funny happened to Drew when he became less focused on himself and more focused on serving others… His business skyrocketed!  

Listen in as Drew shares the mental, physical, and spiritual principles that have allowed him to raise the vibration of the world and take his business to an entirely new level.  

By the end of this discussion, you’ll feel empowered to take even greater control over your business, your relationships, and the overall way that you live your life.  


  • The “it’s not about me” mantra that will help your business succeed, while positively impacting the world!  
  • Why humanity is your family and “We’re in this Together.”  
  • The “why” that makes you cry—how to tap into your feelings, visualize your success and unleash the best version of yourself.  
  • The art of Full Spectrum Flourishing and why it’s critical to empower your team with a bigger purpose.  
  • And much more…


''Humanity is my family and I get inspired by that.'' - Drew Canole



Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Aug 23, 2017

Last week, I released Part 1 of a musical conversation between Brotha James (aka my good friend, Jeremy Reisig) and Jon Berghoff. They shared some fascinating never-before-told stories and jammed out to a few of my favorite songs, including “Grateful” and “The Front Row Anthem.”

Today we release Part 2, and you’ll hear the debut of the brand new Miracle Morning song!

The power of music is undeniable, but Brotha James, takes it to a whole new level by combining music with positive affirmations.

His mission is to spread love and joy through music, messages, and inspirational living, and that’s why I invite Brotha James to perform at all of our live events.

Of all of the Brotha James songs, I think #3 may be my favorite. But then again, I may be a little biased ;^)


During Part 2 of this musical conversation, you’ll get to experience 3 more inspiring Brotha James songs:

  • Song/Message #1: “Slow Down”—Far too often, we feel the need to move faster, especially when we look at what others are doing. This song is all about slowing things down and appreciating the little things in life that keep us grounded.
  • Song/Message #2: “Abracadabra”—A lot of us associate the word ‘abracadabra’ with magic. This song is about the magic you can create in your own life. It’s about deciding that you can do anything you want to do, if you’re willing to go for it.
  • Song/Message #3: “Miracle Morning”—Brotha James once asked me “Hal, what is a miracle morning?” My response was simple… “It’s any time you wake up before you have to and do something that empowers you to become the best version of yourself.” That’s what this song is all about.


''How do I lift people up, through the words I use in the music I write.'' - Brotha James



Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Aug 9, 2017

He has performed in over 300 cities in 22 countries and for the past 8 years he has created award winning magic illusions used by the top magicians in the world.

Jeff Kaylor is a Magician, Keynote Speaker and Founder of The Magic Estate — a collaborative group of likeminded individuals who live under one roof and support each other in their creative and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Today, Jeff joins my pal Jon Berghoff to share his unique methodology for developing a mindset that will allow you to imaginatively love, surprise and celebrate the people in your life.

Jeff performed at our Best Year Ever Blueprint last year, and blew everyone away — not only through the art of magic, but also with his unique ability to inspire a childlike sense of wonder and amazement with everyone in the room. His presence at the event was exceptional and this conversation is no different. 


  • Jeff’s 4-part process to creating magic moments that make people come alive!
  • How the magic moment mindset can help you improve every aspect of your life, and the lives of the people you care most about.
  • All about The Magic Estate — why does Jeff live with a mindreader, motivational speaker, illusionist, magician, inventor, dolphin trainer, lawyer/hypnotist, and comedian?
  • The value of mentorship and Jeff’s selfless approach to attracting and working with people you can learn the most from.
  • How to make every single relationship in your life better in 52 weeks.
  • Learn to elevate customer appreciation by finding opportunities in negative customer experiences.
  • And much more…


''Work hard when people aren’t watching so you’re the best at whatever you do when they are watching.'' - Jeff Kaylor



Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Aug 2, 2017

Do you regularly spend time with people who are challenging you to set bigger goals, and helping you to achieve your goals?

Our ability to achieve our goals can be greatly influenced by the people we spend the most time with. Not only can they push us to succeed, but they can also help us define what that success looks like.

If you’re like most, financial freedom is an important goal. But what else do you value? What about contribution, health, family, accountability, or even bucket-list adventures?

In today’s conversation, Jon Berghoff talks with Mike McCarthy in his home in Colorado to discuss what it takes to live your truth and grab life big.

Mike is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of GoBundance, an Adventure Masterminding group of hard charging entrepreneurs who want to lead epic lives!

He also happens to be the co-author of The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families, co-creator of, and is the Regional Owner for the Keller Williams Realty Greater Pennsylvania Region, which covers Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Southern New Jersey.  

What I love most about this episode, is how Mike includes his family in achieving his goals. He doesn’t let the fact that he’s got kids—or anything else in his life—hold him back from grabbing life big, and neither should you!


  • A new mindset about “Grabbing Life Big!” that will help you to achieve your goals.
  • The GoBundance tribe’s 6 pillars of strength and what they can teach you about prioritizing what matters most.
  • Why you don’t have to give up on your goals and dreams, just because you have children.
  • Adapting the Miracle Morning routine for you and your children.
  • How a Spirit Coach helped Mike tap into his most authentic self, uncover his biggest strengths, and access a deeper wisdom he never knew he had.
  • A really fun exercise to overcome the FEAR of being rejected.
  • And much more…


''We’re all infinite spirit with infinite potential'' - Mike McCarthy



Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Jul 26, 2017

When we accept life before it happens, we get to keep the power that adversity will try to take away from us. We get to control the narrative. Instead of focusing on “why me?”, we can instead choose how we give meaning to something. In other words, adversity doesn’t hurt you, it serves you!

Which is what you learned in Part 1 of “Beating Cancer: A Dialogue On Converting Adversity into Advantage”. If you haven’t heard it, I encourage you to go back and check it out!

In Part 2, we continue the conversation and dive deep into what matters the most. I break down the most profound lessons learned since being diagnosed with cancer, including the 3 factors (Perspective, Love & Gratitude, and Freedom) that have completely transformed the way I now see the world.

This conversation actually may surprise a lot of listeners. You’ll hear that before being diagnosed with cancer, I never truly believed I was deserving of my success. Today I not only explain why, but I share the affirmation that’s shifting my mindset!


  • Learn how perspective can determine your attitude, and therefore the quality of your life.  
  • How to turn emotional pain and negativity into love and gratitude that serves you unconditionally.
  • Transform your relationships and your business, through the act of selflessly giving.
  • The single most important way to achieve ultimate freedom in your life. HINT: It doesn’t matter how much money you have, this is something you can take action on today!  
  • Find out why you should attend The Best Year Ever Blueprint.


''It is our perspective that determines our attitude.'' - Hal Elrod



Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Jun 21, 2017

The words we use, create the world we live in! Today, Robyn Stratton-Berkessel will explain exactly how the stories we construct can have a major impact on how our lives unfold.

Robyn is an author, speaker, coach, podcast host, app developer and workshop designer & facilitator. Her specialty is Appreciative Inquiry and other strength-based, positive methodologies that ignite transformational experiences.

As a positivity strategist, her mission is to enable people, whoever they are, to elevate and amplify the co-creative capacity in their organizations and communities, so that everyone feels empowered as co-creators of their own futures.

This in-person conversation between Robyn and Jon Berghoff will help you gain a deeper appreciation for yourself and the world around you. Ready to re-write your story and start living a life with more purpose, meaning and fulfillment?


  • Robyn explains what it means to be a Positivity Strategist.
  • The power of Social Constructionism and how you can use it to co-create a better future!
  • The importance of savoring nature and the impact it can have on your success.
  • How clarifying your vision in all aspects of life can help you achieve any goal!  The value of calculating your positivity ratio.
  • The practice of loving-kindness meditation.
  • Discover the #1 determinant of high-performing teams.
  • Tips to overcome the fear associated with producing and publishing content.


''The words we use, create the world we live in'' - Robyn Stratton-Berkessel




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Jun 14, 2017

Alissa Daire Nelson spent the first 30 years of her life, perpetually asking herself, “What’s wrong with me?” That was until she discovered the StrengthsFinder assessment, which completely transformed her life.

Instead of focusing on her shortcomings, as we all do at times, Alissa learned how we can tap into our strengths and embrace what makes us uniquely and unapologetically awesome!

Today, she's regularly featured on television news segments, inside major blogs and publications, and on podcasts from all over the globe, as an accomplished Success Coach, Speaker, host of the Maximize Your Strengths podcast, as well as published author of the new book; From Frustrated to Frickin' Awesome: 4 Steps to Achieve the Success You're Wired For.

Just as Alissa suggested, this is an explosive conversation that will teach you how to realize your own strengths and pay attention to the things that bring the most energy to your life. You’ll learn all about the StrengthsFinder profile and how you can use it to become the best version of yourself.

Ready to stop beating yourself up over what you’re not good at, so you can start focusing on your biggest strengths?


  • How the StrengthsFinder assessment transformed her life and how she can help you do the same!
  • The ROI of focusing on your strengths.
  • The major differences between skills and strengths.
  • Where you can take the StrengthFinder assessment.
  • And much more…


''So often the message we put out to the world, is the one we need to hear the most.'' - Alissa Daire Nelson




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

May 24, 2017

Today we’re releasing a special bonus show between Yo Pal Hal and Tim JP Collins. In this never-released conversation, Tim will show you how to look at anxiety from a completely different perspective, so you can learn to manage it and start living the life of your dreams!

Having struggled with anxiety on and off throughout his life and then finally experiencing an uncontrollable panic attack at the height of his career, Tim knows what it’s like to live life in fear.

Tim explored traditional treatments to cope, but eventually realized that his anxiety was thriving because he was trying desperately to hide it. Tim finally learned that instead of running away from his anxiety, he needed to lean in and embrace it. Overtime, he was able to get his life back!

Now, Tim JP Collins is known as "The Breakthrough Anxiety Coach" and has dedicated himself to supporting others who suffer with anxiety, stress and panic attacks. His approach isn't just about coping, it's about moving past anxiety and fear to live the life you were destined for.

Tim is also the creator & host of The Anxiety Podcast. Each week he interviews people that have stories that you will be able to relate to. The interviews are raw, real and vulnerable and people share what's really going on for them.

Tim believes that the more out of alignment we are in our lives, the more anxiety & stress will show up.  So he really looks at the bigger picture when working with clients.


  • The defining goal that gave Tim the confidence to take control of his destiny.
  • Tim walks us through his entire morning ritual, from the moment he wakes up until the time he begins his workday.  
  • Learn how to increase productivity, lower stress, and take control of your life… all with this one little habit.
  • Find out why anxiety can dramatically hinder your ability to set and achieve goals.  
  • Tim shares the story of when he had a massive panic attack during an important presentation and why the traditional system for treating anxiety completely failed him.
  • Find out if the food you eat is a contributing factor to your anxiety.  
  • What is the #1 reason anxiety shows up for 25% of the population?
  • Deliver the best presentation of your life by harnessing the power of nervous energy.
  • Discover the 3 C’s to beating anxiety and becoming the best version of yourself.
  • Find out how The Anxiety Journal can help you feel less anxiety and more excitement… with only a few minutes per day! 


''In rejecting anxiety, you’re rejecting a part of yourself'' - Tim JP Collins




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC



Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

May 17, 2017

Today on the Achieve Your Goals podcast, Ryan Michler is here to teach you how to become more of the man you were meant to be!

Ryan Michler is a husband, father, Iraqi Combat Veteran, and the Founder of Order of Man.

Growing up without a permanent father figure, Ryan was left to learn how to be a man on his own and with the help of a few strong men in his life.

He believes that most, if not all, of the world's biggest problems could be solved if males everywhere learned how to be better husbands, fathers, friends, and leaders. He's on a mission to help all men become the men they were meant to be.


  • [01:47] Find out how Ryan climbed out of the darkest moment of his life, salvaged a failing marriage, and learned what it truly means to be a man.
  • [08:50] Ryan shares what life threatening moments in Iraq taught him about taking things more seriously. You’ll find out why the seemingly trivial choices you make could be negatively impacting your life!
  • [13:03] Learn how integrity can help you respond to life’s most difficult decisions.  
  • [17:38] Jon Berghoff shares a story about playing catch with his son for the very first time and what it can teach us about prioritizing what matters the most!
  • [20:44] Are you grinding it out 24/7? Why do we all feel this constant need to be everywhere and doing everything? Ryan explains the work/life balance conundrum, the importance of setting boundaries, and putting emphasis on the areas of your life that are most important.
  • [22:00] Why it’s so important that entrepreneurs and high achievers create space to think creatively.
  • [24:26] Why did Ryan start Order of Man and how is he using it as a vehicle to teach guys to be men?
  • [27:00] The 3 P’s of manhood and the right of passage moments you can create for your kids.  
  • [31:56] Why being a parent to your children is significantly more important than being their friend. Consider how this same concept can also be applied in a leadership role between you and your employees.
  • [35:05] The story behind Ryan’s incredibly impressive beard :)


''My job is to raise a kid that doesn’t need me.'' - Ryan Michler




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

May 10, 2017

Today on the Achieve Your Goals podcast, Natalie Janji is here to show you that by tapping into your dreaming brain, anything is possible!

Natalie Janji is the co-author of The Miracle Morning for College Students which recently launched as a new addition to The Miracle Morning book series. She is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA with a B.S. in Chemistry and a passion for helping others succeed.

Natalie knows the challenges of college life, and in The Miracle Morning for College Students, she shares from her wisdom and experience to help students achieve at their highest level. Natalie believes that students are the most powerful agents to change the world. She helps students think bigger and work harder to live the life of their dreams.

During this conversation, you’ll find out how Natalie (only 22 years of age) stepped into the unknown and made the decision to grab life big. She shares the story of first meeting Hal and how she convinced him to co-author the latest book in The Miracle Morning series.

You’ll also discover the power of asking great questions, how to overcome self-limiting beliefs, why you should start saying “No” more often, and the idea that nothing is impossible if you’re willing to dream big!


  • [02:20] Find out how Natalie first got introduced to Hal and how The Miracle Morning completely changed the trajectory of her life during the lowest moment of her college career.
  • [06:30] The story of how she landed a book deal with Hal and co-authored the latest book in The Miracle Morning series.
  • [09:30] Learning to say “No” so you can reclaim your time and energy.
  • [12:15] How to get out of your head, squash self-limiting beliefs, and finally take the steps towards the successful life you deserve!
  • [14:40] Why nothing is impossible if you’re willing to dream BIG!
  • [19:45] How to create the life you want by asking great questions.
  • [20:39] Parting advice from Natalie - Be bold and make the most of your life.


''No way I would have written a book if I hadn’t opened my dreaming brain to that possibility'' - Natalie Janji




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.

Apr 26, 2017

In today’s conversation of the Achieve Your Goals podcast, Hal’s good friend, Robert Kiyosaki, shares his top tips on financial literacy, spiritual learning and helps you find your mission, so you can live an abundant and fulfilling life.

Robert is an investor, educational entrepreneur, co-creator of the CASHFLOW® board game, founder of the financial education-based Rich Dad Company and author of New York Times Bestsellers: Rich Dad Poor Dad, Conspiracy of the Rich, and Unfair Advantage.

His most recognized book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, has become the #1 personal finance book of all time and has challenged the way tens of millions of people around the globe think about money. It’s the longest-running bestseller on all four of the lists that report to Publisher's Weekly - The New York Times, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today - and was named "USA Today's #1 Money Book" two years in a row. It is the third longest-running 'how-to' best seller of all time. Translated into 51 languages and available in 109 countries, the Rich Dad series has sold over 27 million copies worldwide and has dominated best sellers lists across Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico and Europe.

If that wasn’t enough, Robert has also been featured on shows such as Larry King Live, Oprah, Bloomberg International Television, and CNN.

In today’s inspiring talk with Jon Berghoff, Robert shares his story, along with his NO B.S. perspective on money and investing. He explains why the education system is broken, what millennials need to learn in order to succeed, the importance of apprenticeship, why you shouldn’t be saving your money, and a whole lot more that you won’t want to miss!


  • [01:00] Robert shares the origin story of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the path to financial freedom!
  • [04:00] Why the school system’s designed to teach people to be Doctors, Lawyers, and employees… but not entrepreneurs!
  • [05:40] What Robert’s rich Dad taught him about financial literacy and why putting your money in 401k’s, stocks, bonds and mutual funds is a bad investment.
  • [09:40] Learn how the rich acquire assets without paying taxes.
  • [11:00] Why your path to success starts by strengthening your sense of purpose.
  • [16:20] The #1 reason that most millennials are lost and the key ingredient to living a much more fulfilling life.
  • [18:30] What you’re probably doing wrong if you’re desperate for money.
  • [20:32] Discover the highest level of education you can obtain.  
  • [25:54] Find out what The Miracle Morning gives Robert that nothing else can!


[Tweet "''If you don’t have money, you’re doing something spiritually wrong.'' - Robert Kiyosaki"]




Copyright © 2017 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC


Reviews for the podcast on iTunes are greatly appreciated and will allow us to get the word out about the show and grow as a community. We read every single review and believe each one goes a long way in helping us make the show even better! If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and rate and review the podcast by clicking here.