We all want to feel appreciated, and one of the most powerful ways to show love and gratitude to someone is through the art of gift-giving. Especially when the gift is both incredibly thoughtful and unexpected, which is something I learned from one of the best to ever do it.
Today’s episode is a tribute to one of my dearest friends, John Ruhlin, who tragically passed away recently. John was the author of Giftology, a book that has completely transformed how I think about leveraging the power of thoughtful gift-giving to optimize my personal and professional relationships.
John was literally one of the best gift-givers in the world and a great friend to everyone in his orbit. For 25 years, I had the privilege of learning countless things from him. Today, I’m sharing 5 key lessons he taught me on how to build better relationships through the art of radical generosity.
When giving someone a gift is done right, it can strengthen the bonds with the people you love and even transform your professional and personal relationships. John made it an art form, and I’m excited to pass on his wisdom to you.
If you’d like to support John’s legacy further, you can get a 70% discount for his Referral Partner Transformation course. All proceeds will go directly to John’s wife, Lindsey, and their four beautiful daughters.
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