Have you ever had times in your life where you feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back? Or maybe even three or four steps back? Most people do. But it’s important to remember that personal growth isn’t always a straight line of progress. And nobody is perfect every single day.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing two journaling exercises to help you reclaim who you truly are. I’ll encourage you to grab your journal and reflect on a time when you were at your absolute best. Think of everything you’ve overcome and accomplished in your life, and prepare to write a letter to yourself in the 3rd person.
This exercise only works if you’re prepared to be brutally honest with yourself. That means being real about how you’re feeling right now and how you feel about the people around you. These two steps aren’t just about identifying where you need to grow emotionally, physically, or spiritually. They’re also about recognizing and appreciating how far you’ve already come so you can move forward with renewed energy and bring the people in your life along for the ride.
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