Do you ever talk with God (or whatever you call that voice of wisdom that seems to know better than you do)?
In other words, rather than praying or meditating and hoping something magical happens, do you ever pray or meditate to set an intention and then quiet your mind to receive valuable clarity, wisdom, and guidance specific to your needs?
I usually do this first thing in the morning (during my SAVERS) and right before bed, and when I do, I consistently receive what I refer to as “downloads.” I call them downloads because they enter my consciousness so fast that I find myself writing as quickly as possible without any conscious thought. I’m not thinking; I’m just taking dictation.
In today’s episode, I’ll share how you can use periods of purposeful Silence to receive wisdom and create extraordinary breakthroughs without needing to follow a specific spiritual path. Whether you’re religious, atheist, agnostic, or simply someone searching for answers, this process can be transformative for you.
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