Have you ever felt lost, depressed, scared, or unsure of what to do with your life? My guest today, Mike Koenigs, will show you that there is always a way to reimagine and reinvent yourself, no matter how overwhelmed you may feel.
Mike is an extraordinarily successful serial entrepreneur who has earned tens of millions of dollars and worked with clients such as Tony Robbins, Paula Abdul, and Richard Dreyfuss. But in his early 50s, Mike felt purposeless, suicidal, and broke.
In today’s conversation, Mike shares how he came to understand that our beliefs are what prevent us from accessing our power to change our circumstances, and he teaches us how our beliefs determine our happiness and purpose in life. Now, just a few years later, he’s happier and healthier than ever, runs a multimillion-dollar business and helps other entrepreneurs rediscover their purpose and find their next act in life.
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