What was the first personal development book you ever read? How did it impact you? For me, it was How to Win Friends & Influence People when I was 19 years old. It introduced me to the concepts of personal growth and personal development. It kickstarted my first career and was the catalyst for my decision to dedicate myself to lifelong personal development.
My friend, Brian Johnson, embodies this at the highest level. He has read over 1,000 books related to philosophy and personal development. You may also remember Brian from The Miracle Morning Movie (he was the expert in the “Reading” scene), or you might know him as the creator of Philosopher’s Notes (where I first discovered him) or the founder of Optimize. Most recently, he is the founder and CEO of Heroic.
In this conversation, Brian and I share the most valuable lesson(s) we’ve learned from reading over 1,000 personal development books.
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