Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about creating my Miracle Evening routine and experimenting with a few different methods. While the Miracle Morning has been all about putting yourself in peak mental, emotional, and spiritual state – first thing in the morning, I’ve found that the evening has been an amazing time to look at my life from a perspective of celebration and reflection. Doing this has had profound impacts on my life, helped me work through several major challenges I’ve faced recently, and led to more breakthroughs than I can count.
In today’s episode, I take you through my exact process for manufacturing breakthroughs - where I do it, the tools I use, and how it helps me retrain my brain and work through specific issues, such as a newfound anxiety that has greatly affected me over the last few months.
Get The Full Show Notes
To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit HalElrod.com/253
You can also find a special version of the episode on the PremoCast app (iPhone only): http://blog.premocast.com/episode-253
Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC
This is the definitive episode where we break down, step by step, how to achieve your goals. I was going to do it solo and give my best advice on goal setting, but I realized that there are people who are better at this than I am.
Geoff Woods is my guest today. He is the vice president of The ONE Thing, where he works alongside billionaire Gary Keller and his NY Times bestselling co-author, Jay Papasan, teaching people how to live a life of focus so they can have more and do less.
Geoff and I first met when I appeared as a guest on his podcast, and I’m thrilled to be able to finally host him in today’s episode. He offers brilliant strategies and insights for people of all kinds - and if you’re looking to transform your routine, ask bigger questions, and seek bigger answers, this is a must-listen.
Get The Full Show Notes
To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit HalElrod.com/252
You can also find a special version of the episode on the PremoCast app (iPhone only): http://blog.premocast.com/episode-252
Copyright © 2019 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC